Sunday Poser — Supplements

For today’s Sunday Poser, Sadje wants to know…

Do you favor dietary supplements — yes or no? Are you taking supplements or vitamins for your health? Are you influenced by the ads you see on social media or TV?

I personally do not take any dietary supplements or vitamin pills. When I was a very young kid, my mother used to have me take a One-A-Day multiple vitamin each day. She said they were good for me and would make me big and strong.

At some point my young brain concluded that if one One-A-Day would make me big and strong, imagine what taking a whole bottle would do. I don’t how many tablets were left in the bottle — at least a dozen — but I downed the remaining ones in one sitting.

Later that day I was in the ER having my stomach pumped. I know that to the adult mind, it doesn’t make sense, but I haven’t taken a vitamin since then.

My wife, on the other hand, does take a small alphabet of vitamins. Tablets, pills, whatever. She believes this alphabet soup of vitamins will not only keep her healthy but preserve her youth. And I have to admit that she has succeeded in that last regard. When we first meet people, many of them mistake her for my daughter or accuse me of being a cradle robber.

My wife also swears by Airborne, the effervescent tablet that is designed to boost one’s immunity, and she takes an airborne tablet dissolved in a glass of water at the first sign of sickness. And if seems to work. Whereas I spent most of April and May with congestion and a hacking cough that evolved into bronchitis, she remained perfectly healthy. Now she even has me drinking a glass of Airborne when I start feeling symptoms of a cold.

For the record, neither my wife nor I have received compensation from the makers of Airborne.