MLMM Friday Faithfuls — Liminal Space

For this week’s Mindlovemysery’s Menagerie Friday Faithfuls challenge, Jim Adams asks us to respond by writing anything about liminal space, or if you went through a period of change in your life where you existed in a liminal space.

I had no idea what “liminal space” was, so it’s a good thing Jim defined it for us. He wrote, “Liminal space can be expressed on a Venn diagram by the area that overlaps between two different things. Liminal space is the uncertain transition between where you’ve been and where you’re going physically, emotionally, or metaphorically.”

Okay, I get Venn diagrams. That works for me. And probably the most vivid example I can think of in my life was the time just after graduating from college and needing to get a job but having no clue what kind of career I wanted for myself.

I had a bachelor’s degree in business with a joint major in marketing and economics. I knew I needed to get a job, but I was lost in terms of what career to pursue. At least it was a simple, clean Venn diagram.

But then the U.S. Army intervened and my clean little Venn diagram turned into the colorful, confusing, and surrealistic image above, which I found at when I Googled “liminal space.”

Once my active duty stint in the army was completed, I returned to my clean little Venn diagram and found a job that set me on a path toward my ultimate career in healthcare administration systems and services

Now, with all that said, I honestly have no idea if this post has anything at all to do with liminal space. Maybe, after someone else who does understand it reads this, they can let me know if I’m even close.