Friday Fictioneers — An Engineering Marvel

“Stop!” Bill shouted at Veronica, who stopped mid-step.

“What?” Veronica asked Bill. “You scared the bejesus out of me!”

“You almost walked right into an enormous spider web,” Bill said. “Step back over here so you can see it. It’s huge.”

Veronica stepped back to where Bill was standing. “Oh wow,” she said, “it is huge. I would have hated to step into that.”

“You have to appreciate it, though,” Bill said. “It’s an engineering marvel, isn’t it?”

“Whatever,” Veronica said. She picked up a thin tree branch from the ground and started slashing at the web. “I hate spiders.”

(100 words)

Written for Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ Friday Fictioneers prompt. Photo credit: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.