Truthful Tuesday — Skewl Daze

Frank, aka PCGuyIV, is back with another episode of Truthful Tuesday. The idea behind Truthful Tuesday is for us to respond to the question (or questions) Frank asks and to be 100% truthful in our responses. No glib answers, no funny business, no fibs. Just raw honesty.

For this week’s Truthful Tuesday, Frank wants to know…

Do you have genuinely fond memories associated with school, or are the good memories you have of that time in your life ancillary or completely unrelated to your memories of your life in school? If you do have any poignant good memories related to school, what are they? If you are like me and most of school was a slog to be endured, what is the closest you have to a good memory from your school days?

I graduated from high school in 1964, which is six decades ago! So as I look back on my school days, they’re more daze than days. Unlike Frank, I didn’t think of school as a “slog to be endured.” I didn’t mind going to school. I learned things. And I had friends with whom I shared good times.

But when I look back at that period of my life, I think about my youthful exuberance, my almost unlimited energy, and the awe of discovery. And of course, the friendships with my classmates. Unfortunately, I have kept in touch with none of them from my old skewl daze.

Share Your World — 06/24/2024

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. What do you miss most, if anything, about your school days?

It’s been a long time since my school days, but I’d say the social aspect of interacting with other students was one thing I miss. I’d like to say it was the thrill of learning new things, but I’d probably be making that up.

2. Did your school have its own sports field or swimming pool?

Our elementary school shared a large field with an adjacent recreation center. There was no swimming pool. Our middle school (grades 7-9) had it owns sports field, but no swimming pool. Our high school (grades 10-12) had its own sports fields and a swimming pool.

3. What was your favorite day on the school week?

I’m sure it must have been Friday

4. Did you have one teacher for a variety of subjects, or separate teachers for each?

In kindergarten through sixth grade — what we called “elementary school” — we had one teacher for the entire school day and for all subjects. From the seventh through twelfth grade, we had a “homeroom” teacher and then, throughout the school day, we’d go to different classrooms and have separate teachers for each subject.