WDP — Dream Chocolate

Daily writing prompt
Describe your dream chocolate bar.

I’m not a “chocoholic.” I don’t crave chocolate, and if I had to, I could easily live without chocolate. That said, I do have a modest daily chocolate fix, which is satisfied by a single square of Ghirardelli dark chocolate bars right after lunch. My favorite flavors are raspberry, sea salt, blood orange, and cherry almond. And while all of these flavors are oh so delicious, my favorite flavor — my “dream” flavor — is Salted Caramel. Exquisite!

These squares are tiny, so it’s just this side of having no chocolate at all. Each is just 1.75 inches square and 1/4 inch thick. But they pack a lot of deliciousness into those small squares. And unlike potato chips, where you can’t eat just one, I always limit myself to one square a day.

For what it’s worth, I only eat the dark chocolate squares, which I think I read somewhere are less unhealthy for you than the milk chocolate squares.

WDP — Dream Chocolate Bar

Daily writing prompt
Describe your dream chocolate bar.

I’m not exactly a “chocoholic.” I could, if I had to, easily live without chocolate. But I live in a free country (at least so far, although things are changing rapidly) and there are no laws today I’m aware of at the state or national level that have banned chocolate, even though, arguably, chocolate is the epitome of decadence.

Outside of Halloween, when I will typical purchase enough candy to distribute to about twice as many trick-or-treaters as actually show up at my door, I will end up with enough Fun Size Snickers bars to allow me to indulge in one such bar daily through the rest of the year.

But lest ye think Snickers bars, as good as they are, are my dream chocolate bars, let me assure you they are not. My taste in chocolate bars is much more sophisticated than that.

My preferred chocolate bar fix is satisfied daily by a single square of Ghirardelli dark chocolate bars right after lunch. My favorite flavors are raspberry, salted caramel, blood orange, and cherry and almond. And while all of these flavors are oh so delicious, my favorite flavor — my dream flavor — is Salted Caramel. Exquisite!

These squares are tiny, so it’s just this side of having no chocolate at all. Each is just 1.75 inches square and 1/4 inch thick. But they pack a lot of deliciousness into those small squares. And unlike potato chips, where you can’t eat just one, I always limit myself to one square a day.

For what it’s worth, I only eat the dark chocolate squares, which I think I read somewhere are less unhealthy for you than the milk chocolate squares.