Six Sentence Story — Feeling Light Headed

“I feel light-headed, like I’m going to faint if I don’t sit down,” Jenna said aloud as she slumped down over the kitchen sink where she had been standing and washing the breakfast dishes.

Jeff, who was reading the morning paper, jumped up from his chair and ran over to Jenna, grabbed her, and helped her to a chair at the kitchen table. “My god, Jenna, you’re white as a ghost and you’re sweating and your skin feels clammy,” he said. “I’m taking you to the ER.”

“No, it’s passed, I’m okay,” she said. She leaned over in her chair, reached into her jeans pocket, pulled out a pregnancy test stick, and handed it to Jeff, who got a broad smile on his face when he saw the plus sign in the little window.

Written for the Sunday Six Sentence Story prompt from Girlie on the Edge, where the prompt word is “faint.” AI artwork from