Blogging Platform — Looking Ahead

While Dr. Tanya, who hosts Blogging Insights, is on a hiatus, Sadje thought that she could host discussions about our experiences and expectations regarding blogging on Blogging Platform.

Today’s topic is the pre-scheduling feature of WordPress, and Sadje wants to know…

Do you pre-scheduling your posts ahead of time? What has been your experience regarding this convenience?

I pre-schedule all of my prompt posts. For my daily Fandango’s One Word Challenge (FOWC), I create the posts typically one to two weeks ahead. For my other prompts — now down to two: Fandango’s Story Starter and Fandango’s Friday Flashback — I generally try to schedule them anywhere between one to three days ahead of their post dates.

I also use the scheduler to post some of my prompt responses in advance. For example, I wrote my response to Linda G. Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday prompt yesterday and it’s scheduled to post tomorrow morning. I also typically craft my response to Jim Adams’ Song Lyric Sunday on Saturday and schedule it to publish at 3:00 am Sunday morning.

Bottom line, the pre-scheduling function serves a valuable purpose and I use it to help me manage my blog, especially since I post multiple times a day.