Share Your World — 06/10/2024

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. What is/has been your favorite job/occupation?

Retirement! Oh wait, that’s neither a job nor an occupation, is it? For much of my career with several different companies I was what was called a “solutions consultant.” For some companies I worked for, that position was within client services, and for others, it was part of sales. I preferred when it was part of sales because my role was to evaluate the prospective client’s needs, to help close the sale, and to ensure that our solution was successfully implemented and performed as was promised.

2.  Is there a job you would never consider doing?

My daughter-in-law is a veterinarian, but her primary focus is to go to people’s homes and provide in-home euthanasia services. I simply cannot imagine a job where my primary role is to euthanize people’s beloved pets.

3. Did your family own a business and expect you to join the ranks when you got older?

My father owned a laundry and dry cleaning store and my mother owned a knitting shop. I was never expected to “join the ranks.” I was expected to go to college, get a degree, and get a white-collar job.

4. Did/do you have a career requiring qualifications or did you learn on the job and work your way up?

Having a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree opened up doors to me that might otherwise not have been opened. That’s not to say that I didn’t have to learn some very specific skills on the job for the roles I played. Each company I worked for had its own policies and protocols and the various systems I supported had specific requirements and processes that I had to master. So while the formal education got me through the door, the on-the-job training, both formal and informal, helped me work my way up.