Coffee Wars

I like my coffee black with one Splenda packet. My wife likes her coffee with International Delight flavored creamer, either hazelnut or caramel macchiato. For years we’ve been using a Cuisinart grind and brew coffee maker using organic French roast whole bean coffee. And we have both been fine with that. Or so I thought.

Recently my wife has been saying that she likes our son and daughter-in-law’s Nespresso single-cup coffee machines with disposable pods. She likes the “crema” foam top that comes out with every cup. And she also likes the idea of having a milk frother so she can make her own flavored lattes when she wants them.

So, for Mother’s Day, I surprised her with a Nespresso coffee maker. I bought a bunch of pods — regular coffee, espresso, and double espresso size — and a frother where she can make froth from milk. She was pleased.

Mrs. Fandango has embraced the new coffee maker. She likes some of flavored coffee pods (to which she still adds her flavored creamer) and she like the foamy crema top. I think she’s only made espresso one or two times using the frother. But overall, she is happy with the Nespresso.

I am not. I have sampled about a dozen different coffee pods and haven’t yet found one that I like as much as my grind and brew whole bean French roast coffee. I find the Nespresso coffees too strong or too weak or too bitter.

So, after a month of, shall we say discussing what to do. We have reached a solution. Separate but equal! I will go ahead and brew a small pot of my organic French roast coffee in th the Cuisinart grind and brew machine and she will continue to maker her crema-covered coffee from her single-cup Nesspresso pods.

And that kind of compromise, boys and girls, is how to make a marriage work!