MFFFC — Besties

“Diane, you have been such a wonderful friend to me over the past month. When I found out about Richard and his infidelities I was beside myself. I was even thinking about offing myself. But you came to my rescue, you saved me and I am so indebted to you,” Ellen said as she and Diane were sitting in the back of Diane’s car with the hatchback open. “This cross-country road trip has been such a blessing and I simply can’t thank you enough for suggesting it.”

“Ellen, we’ve been besties ever since I can remember,” Diane said, “and you know I’ll always be by your side. I’ve been where you’ve been when Alan ghosted me last summer, so I know what you’re going through and I’m going to make sure neither of us will ever have to go through shit like this again.”

“You are a godsend, Diane,” Ellen said, reaching over and hugging Diane. “So what’s our next stop on this road trip?”

“We are going to head over to the Grand Canyon,” Diane said. “It’s incredible.”

“I’m so excited!” Ellen said. “I’ve never been there but I have seen photos of it. I can’t wait to see it in person.”

“You will love it, Ellen,” Diane said. “And once there I know we’re going to be BFFs, and I do mean that literally. It’s going to be spectacular when we do our Thelma and Louise drive.”

Ellen’s head snapped toward Diane’s. “Wait! What?” she said.

Written for Melissa’s Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge. Image credit: Richard Jaimes on Unsplash.