MLMM Saturday Mix Lucky Dip — Small-Time Hood

Detective Fred Morrisey and his partner, Detective Ronald Hayden, pulled up to the crime scene in Morrisey’s car. “I’m going to touch base with the ME, Ron,” Morrisey said. “Go talk to the officer who was first on the scene and see what he can tell you.”

“You got it, Fred,” Hayden said. Both men got out of the car and headed off in different directions.

Morrisey found the medical examiner inside the tent the crime scene team had erected over the location of the victim’s body. “What can you tell me, Doc?” Morrisey asked the ME.

“Blunt force trauma to the back of the head,” the ME said. “Time of death was around mid-morning, say 10:30 or 11:00. Stomach contents shows he had a bacon and eggs breakfast not long before he was murdered.”

“Any personal effects with the body?”

“I gave all that to the office on the scene who bagged it,” the ME said. “But strangely enough, there were two passports, one U.S., and one from the UK. And let me see. Oh yes, one aerosol inhaler for asthma, one child’s crayon, and a 35 mm film strip with maybe half a dozen frames on it. Anyway, I should have a full postmortem report for you but the end of the day.”

“Okay, thanks, Doc,” Morrisey said as Ron Hayden came walking up.

“So, our vic is a small-time hood,” Ron said, “But what may have gotten him killed was what was on this film strip.” He handed it over to Fred, who held it up to the light.

“Jesus,” Morrisey said.

Written for the Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Saturday Mix Lucky Dip, where the story cubes are car, egg and bacon, crayon, tent, aerosol, passports, body outline, and film strip.

SoCS/MLMM Saturday Mix Lucky Dip — Hodgepodge

“Whatcha doing, Jon?” his roommate asked him.

“I’m writing a script for a film,” Jon said.

“Cool, will you show it to me?” Archie asked.

“Well, I’m only on page one, so there’s not much to show you at this point,” Jon said, “but I can tell you about it.”

“Yes, please do,” Archie said.”

“It’s got a little bit of everything in it,” Jon explained. “It’s an action/adventure film with exploding hand grenades and it’s a musical comedy, too. It starts out with this woman, hat on her head, reading a self-help book when she decides she needs to turn over a new leaf. She fixes herself some bacon and eggs for breakfast. Then she grabs her baby boy, puts it him the baby carriage, and heads out onto the bustling streets of Manhattan. And that’s when the adventure begins.”

“Sounds like a bit of a hodgepodge if you ask me,” Archie said. “I think you ought to focus on one or two elements rather than on everything under the sun.”

“Don’t worry,” Jon said. “I’m only on page one. It will all come together by the end. I’ll prove to you what a great film show it will be.”

Written for the Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Saturday Mix Lucky Dip, where the story cubes are person in a hat reading a book, egg and bacon, pram, music note, leaf, grenade, and filmstrip.

Also for Linda G. Hill’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, where the word is “show.”

MLMM Saturday Mix Lucky Dip — Turned His Frown Upside Down

Mildred finished her bacon and egg breakfast, got dressed, put on her hat and coat, and grabbed her umbrella, as the sky was dark and threatening. A few minutes later she arrived at the church, sat down in a pew, opened her hymn book, and started singing in her always slightly out-of-tune manner. Poor Mildred couldn’t hit a musical note if her life depended on it.

When the church service was over, Mildred headed to the recreation center’s athletic fields where her eight-year-old grandson’s soccer team would be playing. Mildred got situated on the bleachers, and pulled out a pair of binoculars from her oversized bag, since she couldn’t see as well as she used to, and she wanted to focus on her grandson running up and down the field.

But shortly after the game started, the rains came. Middle tried calling her grandson, but he couldn’t hear because an airplane was flying directly overhead. Mildred grabbed her stuff and ran, as best she could, to where her grandson was. She pulled him to her under the umbrella to try to keep him from getting more soaked than she already was. He was not a happy camper because he had been looking forward to this soccer game all week. Then, when Mildred suggested they go to the local ice cream shop for a treat, she turned his frown upside down.

Written for the Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Saturday Mix Lucky Dip, where the story cubes are musical note, person in a hat reading, aeroplane, umbrella, soccer ball, binoculars, and egg and bacon.