Cellpic Sunday — Sleepette

John Steiner, the blogger behind Journeys With Johnbo, has this prompt he calls Cellpic Sunday in which he asks us to post a photo that was taken with a cellphone, tablet, or another mobile device. He invites us to participate in this cellphone photo prompt by creating our own CellPic Sunday post and linking it back to his.

Back in 2014, two years before I retired, I had to travel from San Francisco to Boston for work, but I decided to take a few extra days and do something I’d never done before: travel across country by train instead of flying or driving.

The first leg of the trip, also the longest, at three days and two nights, and by far the most scenic, was from San Francisco to Chicago on Amtrak’s California Zephyr.

I did not take this photo. It’s an Amtrak publicity photo for the California Zephyr.

I also decided that I didn’t want to spend two nights struggling to get comfortable enough to sleep comfortably in a regular train seat, so I upgraded to what is called a “sleepette.” It’s essentially a one-person sleeper car — although it technically could accommodate two people with a double-decker bed, but that would feel very tight — where the seats can be converted into a bed. It actually wasn’t bad to sleep in and the rocking motion of the train helped me fall asleep pretty quickly both nights.

The following three photos were taken with my iPhone 5. The first photo is looking at the back of the sleepette before it was converted to a bed.

This next photo is facing forward to the front of the sleepette, again, prior to the conversion to a bed.

And this last photo was after the porter came by and turned the sleepette into a bed.

I’m stretched out in the supine position and you can probably see my feet sticking up underneath the blanket at the far end of the photo.

As usual, all photos used on this blog have been resized (shrunk) to make them load more quickly and take up less space in my WordPress media folder.