All About That Bass

Darleen was self-conscious about her weight. She was pretty, but she knew she was on the plump side. She used to joke that she just had curves in all the right places.

She tried to make up for her weight insecurities by being a party girl and a rather rambunctious one at that.

But then she heard something at one of the parties that changed her life, changed her attitude, and made her feel good about herself. It was like she had an epiphany, as if she were emerging from a thick mist and was seeing things with a new sense of clarity.

She heard a song by Meghan Trainor called “All About That Bass.”

Written for these daily prompts: Your Daily Word Prompt (plump), Fandango’s One Word Challenge (party), My Vivid Blog (rambunctious), The Daily Spur (mist), and Ragtag Daily Prompt (clarity). Image credit: Bing Image Creator.