Share Your World — 06/24/2024

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. What do you miss most, if anything, about your school days?

It’s been a long time since my school days, but I’d say the social aspect of interacting with other students was one thing I miss. I’d like to say it was the thrill of learning new things, but I’d probably be making that up.

2. Did your school have its own sports field or swimming pool?

Our elementary school shared a large field with an adjacent recreation center. There was no swimming pool. Our middle school (grades 7-9) had it owns sports field, but no swimming pool. Our high school (grades 10-12) had its own sports fields and a swimming pool.

3. What was your favorite day on the school week?

I’m sure it must have been Friday

4. Did you have one teacher for a variety of subjects, or separate teachers for each?

In kindergarten through sixth grade — what we called “elementary school” — we had one teacher for the entire school day and for all subjects. From the seventh through twelfth grade, we had a “homeroom” teacher and then, throughout the school day, we’d go to different classrooms and have separate teachers for each subject.

9 thoughts on “Share Your World — 06/24/2024

  1. AM June 24, 2024 / 12:04 pm

    A lot of people seem to like Fridays. I did and do too. My answers will go live on Sunday. So many posts until then 😂. But I love being creative and write.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango June 24, 2024 / 3:41 pm

      I had to refollow you because suddenly I was no longer following your blog. Not sure what happened.


      • pensitivity101 June 25, 2024 / 8:35 am

        Apparently it happens for no reason and several regular followers have had to re-follow, so you’re not alone. I’ve had to re-follow a couple too. WP gremlins no doubt.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Marleen June 24, 2024 / 6:55 pm

    None of my schools had pools, but they all had large fields — dedicated sports areas as well as open grass anywhere I went, and we were not rural. I really miss summer being so different from the school year. I spent a lot of time swimming. Mainly in pools but occasionally in lakes, or rivers if we went canoeing. I’ve been fishing, but that didn’t catch on for me. Yet I very much enjoyed the fishes my dad caught and cooked. There was also biking, hiking, climbing trees, and building forts to hang out in with the neighborhood kids and my cousins. There was some traveling, which I loved if we arrived at an ocean. Saw some value in it if we went to Colorado and rode horses near creeks running into a major waterway as well as when we hit the timing just right on Glacier National Park. I miss the energy level and the constant variety of activity that schooling itself created as an ambience. Especially from sixth grade on. I was a bit of a choir star in my sixth-grade public school class that added a choir director; would’ve benefited from carrying on with that hobby I think. Before sixth grade, I guess I’d have to say what I’d miss most would be art and maybe gym at times — both of which offered specialized teachers. I do remember a project presentation I did in fifth grade, which was about our moon. Actually, as I remember another science project, I wonder if they were both during fifth grade, one for a science fair. These were almost like art. Also, I remember doing a report on Magellan then. And I miss my dad. He was the one who would take me to the library. I miss musicals that were put on twice a year at his place of employment, too. He was an art teacher, involved in part with the sets and beloved by everyone. We had sets at my high school, but it wasn’t a big inner-city school, so we didn’t have musicals. Honestly, I wish I’d kept swimming and dancing and gotten officially into art after “school days” ended as a whole.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Taswegian1957 June 24, 2024 / 7:00 pm

    In American schools the students go to different classrooms but when I was at school the teachers came to us. I thought it might be to save time but now I think it had to do with the curriculum. We had limited choices of subjects so at the beginning of the year we were divided in to classes where everyone did the same ones. There were an average of 40 kids in each class so I guess it was easier. Of course boys and birls were separated for sports and girls had to do domestic science while boys did woodwork or metal work.

    A girl in one of my classes asked if girls could do woodwork too and was given a firm “No”.This was around 1970.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. leigha66 June 25, 2024 / 2:05 pm

    I would have had similar answers, but in elementary we did have separate gym, music and art teachers.

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