SoCS — Good Question

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

Linda’s challenge for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt is to “start with a question.” She asks us to begin our post with the first question that comes to mind when we sit down to write our post. Bonus points if we end our post with a question, too.

So it’s 11 pm Friday night and I’m in bed. I wasn’t around for a good part of the day on Friday, so I decided to go through and read and respond to the comments I received today. The legit comments, that is. Not the spam comments from Bokep, Memek, and friends.

The legit comment that posed the question I asked at the top of this post came from my Tasmanian blogger friend Taswegian1957. She wrote a comment to my post, Prosecuting His Enemies. She ended her comment by writing, “If America were a person, I think I’d want to shake it and say, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

I wish that, as an American, I could answer her question, but I can’t. Here we are, five months away from an election, the outcome of which will determine whether or not the constitutional democracy and democratic republic I’ve lived in for my entire life will continue to exist. I’m very afraid that the answer is going to be no.

I know that will be the case if Trump wins the election. If Biden wins, Trump won’t accept it. He still hasn’t accepted his loss in 2020 and he instigated a failed insurrection attempt when he called upon his MAGA maniacs to assault the United States Capitol building on January 6, 2021. If Trump loses again, he’s going to mobilize his MAGA maniacs to arm up and take it to the street in what will be a second American civil war.

I truly believe that no matter who wins the election in November, the United States of America is fucked.

So to earn my bonus points, let me end this post with a question.

What do you think will happen after the November presidential election in the U.S.?

19 thoughts on “SoCS — Good Question

  1. Tessa June 8, 2024 / 3:59 am

    You make a very valid question and point. I am scared about the outcome for many reasons. It looks like a lose-lose situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango June 8, 2024 / 12:40 pm

      I think it is a lose-lose situation, unfortunately.


  2. AM June 8, 2024 / 6:12 am

    I’m probably gonna answer this in a post of mine. It will make for a good topic.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. XingfuMama June 8, 2024 / 6:53 am

    If Mike Johnson is in the Speakership they will try to prevent certification if Biden wins, even by a landslide. I don’t know how it will go. They are desperate because in the last census the US was majority minority. If the GOP gets any power, wave goodbye to Social Security, because they need to act fast on it. Just as they did with Roe v. Wade. There is a reason why they are talking about it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marleen June 8, 2024 / 7:53 am

      Excellent point on Social Security. At least Biden has had to back away from cutting it since Democrats, or the base that votes for them, are mostly in favor of Social Security. My mom has always floated with conservative operatives; I’m iffy about the word floated as she never appeared like an airhead. But, when I was with her last summer, she showed me a check from Social Security and marveled, “Who knew?” I said it’s always been a known thing. “But, who would’ve known?!” Sigh…

      Liked by 2 people

      • XingfuMama June 8, 2024 / 7:57 am

        There is a reason why they are talking about it. Last time he got their support by using their judge list. This time it is Social Security (and Medicare, although they will probably take Medicaid first).

        Liked by 1 person

        • Marleen June 8, 2024 / 1:51 pm

          There’s a person who is often at my neighbors’ house when I am invited over, less often there when I drop by, who says Social Security is a Ponzi scheme (which I’ve heard other places). I know he’s not a complete idiot, as he has worked in a demanding career (but his stance in this matter is so goofy). Republicans, and especially the American/Austrian version of so called libertarians with exceptions here and there, plus John Birchers have always wanted to destroy SS… had also (since our mid 1970s) wanted to have a Supreme Court like that which we now can see as self-serving. SS can only be characterized that way if we will have no younger workers and/or no USA (which would equally be a reason not to fund any so-called defense, which we use now for offense, but that’s a different topic).

          Liked by 2 people

          • XingfuMama June 8, 2024 / 3:14 pm

            My grandmother worked until she was 85 years old and her only source of income after she retired was social security at about the lowest level. She helped her employers build a profitable world-wide (not huge, but they do business in many countries) manufacturing business and they gave her a $10,000 IRA when she retired at age 85 after working for them for over 30 years.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Fandango June 8, 2024 / 4:50 pm

              That sounds pretty paltry to me, but perhaps something is better than nothing.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Marleen June 8, 2024 / 5:55 pm

              That’s heartbreaking, what the business where she worked for 30 years did in that regard. While the (lying) “free market” people (don’t know if her employers were that or not) have tried to switch everything or as much as they could so far over to IRAs and other forms of dependence on the stock market and privatization, there’s a solid reason why we established Social Security in the early half of the 20th century (while I didn’t exist yet and am not on SS myself now). I’m sure so much emphasis on the stock market for the last few decades has been in preparation for the kill of SS, but we can’t let that happen.

              Liked by 2 people

  4. suze hartline June 8, 2024 / 7:36 am

    I will probably be arrested for protesting the various Constitutional rights being destroyed.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. leigha66 June 9, 2024 / 11:01 am

    Unless a miracle third candidate shows up out of the blue to steal the show… it will be the start of a lot of tension. Whether it is retaliation from losing the election (think Jan 6 on a bigger scale) or radical changes in the way government it run, it is going to be a challenging time no doubt. I would think about moving but is it really better in any other country right now? Crime, wars, government upheaval – the world is in chaos.

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