Six Sentence Story — The Engagement Dinner

“Did you hear that Eleanor and Roger just announced their engagement at a dinner party last night?” Beverly said.

“I did hear that,” Andrea said, “and all I can say is that for Eleanor it was none too soon. You know she’s almost thirty and I heard that her father was going to give the first man to ask her a senior position in his company, which is probably the only reason this Roger guy asked her.

“Have you ever met Roger?” Beverly asked. “He’s supposed to be quite the catch, very handsome and extremely wealthy in his own right, so I don’t think he proposed to Eleanor for a position in her father’s firm.

“Some girls have all the luck,” Andrea said.

Written for the Sunday Six Sentence Story prompt from Girlie on the Edge, where the prompt word is “engagement.” AI artwork from

14 thoughts on “Six Sentence Story — The Engagement Dinner

  1. rugby843 June 6, 2024 / 11:41 am

    When I turned 18, my dad joked he thought he would give “green stamps”. You have to be old to get that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marleen June 6, 2024 / 12:01 pm

      When I was in high school, I discovered some stamps (particular to Famous Barr) that you could put into a book provided by a decent department store and then get maybe five dollars like a coupon out of a certain total. My mom had never taken advantage of this, although she shopped there. I did.

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  2. JT Twissel June 6, 2024 / 12:34 pm

    Almost thirty! Gads I wish I’d waited at least that long – I think 45 is probably the right are to marry.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marleen June 6, 2024 / 8:38 pm

      I have a cousin who is turning 60 this summer and got married last year. Perfect timing. He raised his sister’s two daughters after she died relatively early. His new wife’s children are around the same age, young adults on the verge of moving out.

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