Share Your World — 06/03/2024

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. Here are her questions for this week.

1. Have you ever wanted to be famous?

Sure. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a movie star and/or a professional baseball player. When I had an opportunity to be a radio disk jockey one summer, I had hoped it might lead to one day becoming a well-known DJ. I tried my hand at writing a novel, imagining myself as a best-selling author. Or maybe I could be a journalist with my own byline. Of course, these days with all of the social media sites and 24×7 “news” coverage, I take comfort in being a private citizen.

2.  Have you met any celebrities?

Back in 1985, I was in Los Angeles on business and after my meeting ended, I went to the parking garage to get my car and to head to the airport for my flight back to Boston. There was a man standing in front of me waiting for his car and he looked very familiar. I must have been staring at him and was about to ask him if he was OJ Simpson, who, at the time, was well known for being a college and professional football star and for running through airports in Hertz rental car commercials. But before I could get the words out, he looked at me, smiled, and said, “Yes, I’m OJ. Do you want my autograph?”

“Sure,” I said. I opened up my briefcase, pulled out a notebook and handed it to him. He asked me my name and then he wrote a personalized note to me and signed it.

Wow, what a great guy OJ Simpson is, I thought. Then his Bentley pulled up and he stepped inside and was about to take off. “Wait, OJ!” I shouted. He lowered the window and looked at me. It was a few weeks before the Super Bowl game between the New England Patriots and the Chicago Bears and I asked him who he thought would win. He said, “Bet on the Patriots,” and then raised his window and pulled away.

I did bet on the Patriots. The Bears won big! Thanks a lot, OJ. Thanks for nothing.

Nine years later this incredibly nice man stabbed his wife to death.

3. Has anyone ever asked you for your autograph?

All the time. When I write a check to someone they often ask for my autograph. When I make a large purchase, like a house or a car, I am required to put my autograph on it. Legal documents, like my living will or revocable trust on my home or my medical DNR have to have my autograph. So it’s a relatively frequent request.

4.  Is there a celebrity you wish to have met/meet?

Not really. I’m beyond the stage in life where spending time with a celebrity is important to me. I’d rather be with my grandkids.

9 thoughts on “Share Your World — 06/03/2024

  1. Sadje June 3, 2024 / 8:56 am

    I’d rather be with my family too than meet celebrities

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marilyn Armstrong June 3, 2024 / 10:29 am

    With all the celebrities Garry and I have met together and separately, we don’t have any autographs. We’ve always felt a bit awkward. I do, however, have some cool photos. Garry has an incredible autographed baseball that includes EVERYONE who was on the team at the time including the already retired Teddy Baseball.


  3. Marleen June 3, 2024 / 10:52 am

    I, among many others, autographed my middle son’s jersey after his season when the football team he was on won the local Super Bowl (not in high school). It’s a little bit like signing a yearbook. Other than that, and examples like you gave, I was asked to sign a petition while heading into a shop one day a few years ago. I’ve met a few celebrities, have fewer autographs because I don’t always ask (and don’t feel like I want that). I ain’t about it. I think one of them, gave me Covid-19 in March of 2020. I’m not bitter about it, though, because I experienced that the virus itself wasn’t too much. One nice memory is Joe Bonamassa handing me his set list (at the end of a concert). I haven’t exactly met him, though.


  4. AM June 4, 2024 / 12:57 am

    Great answers! Pretty cool that you met O.J…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. leigha66 June 4, 2024 / 2:50 pm

    Do you still have OJ’s autograph, could be worth something now for many reasons.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango June 4, 2024 / 3:17 pm

      No, it was in one of the notebooks I used for my job and I don’t know what became of the notebook. Oh well.

      Liked by 1 person

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