This Should be Funny…

…but it’s not.

Why not? Because it’s too close to the inexplicable truth that most evangelical and fundamentalist Christians actually feel this way. Yet Donald Trump is one of most un-Christian-like human beings in America.

I would love for someone to explain to me how this makes any sense.

14 thoughts on “This Should be Funny…

  1. Carol anne March 3, 2024 / 12:24 pm

    Nothing trump does or says makes sense ❤ nothing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. newepicauthor March 3, 2024 / 12:32 pm

    It does not have to make sense, it is about giving the people what they want, which sadly is Trump. They want somebody that they can bow down to, somebody that will tell them what to do, because they are basically sheep that need someone to follow. He has become the second coming of Jesus for most Republicans, who have no idea why they are going to church in the first place. They are not seeking to be better people and if the world goes to hell, they will feel that at least they got one over on the liberal Democrats, who they despise.

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  3. Marilyn Armstrong March 3, 2024 / 12:39 pm

    Doonesbury is much closer to political commentary than comics … but sometimes, he really is hilarious — as long as you have retained a sense of humor. Lately that has been a bit tricky.

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  4. Marleen March 3, 2024 / 1:41 pm

    The zionists have actually convinced each other that they want a great man like Nebuchadnezzar to do what they need. They have passed from the pastors on high to the congregants that Trump fits the bill (and Netanyahu and so forth are playing along). Oddly, a verse that Christians point to as referring to an individual person Satan actually taunts Nebuchadnezzar for having thought so highly of himself and then become like a nobody.

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    • Marleen March 3, 2024 / 9:21 pm

      Oops, a couple mistakes on my part. First, Netanyahu is less playing along, and more pushing the whole thing along (similarly to how he more recently told the IDF to think of some yet more ancient scenario that involves annihilating a population in full). Second, it’s apparently Cyrus for Trump rather than Nebuchadnezzar. This is not something I’m going to try and nail down. They’re a bunch of ding-dongs. I can’t vouch for the details of this article, and haven’t read it through, but the author has the general idea.

      … an even higher-profile figure linked Trump and Cyrus. During his visit to Washington, DC, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu heavily implied Trump was Cyrus’s spiritual heir. Thanking Trump for moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, Netanyahu said, “We remember the proclamation of the great King Cyrus the Great — Persian King. Twenty-five hundred years ago, he proclaimed that the Jewish exiles in Babylon can come back and rebuild our temple in Jerusalem…And we remember how a few weeks ago, President Donald J. Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Mr. President, this will be remembered by our people throughout the ages.”

      While Cyrus is not Jewish and does not worship the God of Israel, he is nevertheless portrayed in Isaiah as an instrument of God — an unwitting conduit through which God effects his divine plan for history. Cyrus is, therefore, the archetype of the unlikely “vessel”: someone God has chosen for an important historical purpose, despite not looking like — or having the religious character of — an obvious man of God.

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    • Marleen March 6, 2024 / 5:08 am

      This is a nicety-nice approach (from NYT Podcasts/Ezra Klein) to dipping a toe into almost having a conversation about maybe thinking in the direction of someday not being immoral idiots. But I like the suggestion of Biden going to speak in the Knesset. Maybe it should be someone with balls instead, like Kamala Harris perhaps. No one is going, of course. [Only the first third or so.]

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      • Marleen March 7, 2024 / 12:11 pm

        The fella in the picture, above, and in the sound recording is Richard Haass (very involved in our foreign policy in the past).

        Biden’s bubble GETS WORSE


        • Marleen March 12, 2024 / 2:03 pm

          Nine minutes in, the subject turns to Biden on abortion. He actually says he’s not about bodily autonomy for a woman. The first half is about Biden’s advisors being conservative and not politically savvy (other than McConnell who has certainly been a political heavyweight). [Sorry about the double link.]

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        • Marleen March 7, 2024 / 1:41 pm

          I forgot I wanted to mention that Schiff’s campaign spent as much or more (as/than) on a Republican’s campaign as for his own campaign in California in regard to a U.S. Senate seat so the more progressive (both well-respected) Democrats running wouldn’t have a chance. This is the kind of thinking that got Trump going in the first place, politically, aside from knowing how much money went into that (in 2016).

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