SoCS — Buzz Cut

For this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt, Linda G. Hill has given us the work “clump” to play with.


“Dad, I have a present for you,” Dwayne said, a proud smile on his face. “You know how you’re always complaining about how much Alexi sheds? About how you’re always picking up clumps of his fur — a clump here, a clump there — all over the house? And you know how you’re always saying that you’re tired of vacuuming the rugs and furniture all the time and how his fur gets all over your clothes?” And you know how you said last week that if we could collect all of his fur you could stuff it into pillows and sell them on the internet?”

“Yes, son, I know,” Dwayne’s father said. “I told your mother before we got Alexi that Siberian huskies are shedders and I didn’t want to have to always be brushing him. So your mother agreed to do that. But even with that, this dog sheds way too much, and it’s always a mess in this house.”

“Well, Dad, I fixed the problem. Wait here.” Dwayne ran out of the family room and came back a few minutes later followed by the most forlorn dog Dwayne’s father had ever seen.

“See, I took your electric razor and shaved off most of Alexi’s fur, Dad. Problem solved. No more finding clumps of his fur all over the place. And, Dad, I put all of his fur in four paper grocery bags in the garage that you can use to start you’re internet pillow business.”

“Oh my god, Dwayne!” his father said.

“I know, Dad,” Dwayne said, beaming. “You’re welcome!”

Photo of shaved husky: Google images.

MLMM Saturday Mix Lucky Dip — Up to No Good

I swear living with you is like rolling the dice at the craps table. I never know if you’ll roll a seven or a snake eyes. You told me — no you promised me — that you had turned over a new leaf. But here you are, down in the basement, hunched over your laptop and searching the internet for instructions on how to make a bomb.

And is that a hand grenade I see? Is it live? What is that mask for? Oh my god, what is wrong with you? Are you aspiring to be a masked bomber or something? Are you planning to explode a bomb somewhere in the city? Do you have a target in mind?

Your school? Okay, that’s it. You’re grounded for the rest of the month. I’m taking your laptop and I’m shutting down WiFi. I don’t know who you’re talking to online, but I’m putting this to a stop right now.

Written for the Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Saturday Mix Lucky Dip, where the story cubes are dice, leaf, mask, grenade, laptop, wifi/signal, target, and bomb

My Last Photo — February ‘24

Brian, aka Bushboy, posted his monthly Last on the Card prompt, where he asks us to…

  • Post the last photo from your camera’s SD card or the last photo from your phone taken in the month of February.
  • No editing — who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like, or the subject matter didn’t cooperate?
  • No explanations needed — just the photo will do.
  • Create a pingback to Brian’s post or link in the comments.
  • Use the tags “The Last Photo” and #LastOnTheCard.”

As most of you know, I built a waterfall in my backyard. Well, I didn’t build a waterfall, I had a contractor who specializes in building backyard waterfalls build it to my specifications.

I took these two photos below on Wednesday and sent them to the waterfall contractor because the rocks and stones are suddenly covered by an orange slime and my formerly sparkling clear waterfall looks, well, yucky.

The waterfall guy got back to me and said that with all of the rain we’ve had so far this year, a lot of string algae is forming in the ponds and streams around here and that’s what is growing in my waterfall. He said that there is a powdered “algae-buster” I can add to the water three to four times a year to retard the growth of algae and I can powerwash the rocks and stones to remove the surface algae.

Great. One more item on my spring to-do list.

FOWC with Fandango — Crack


Welcome to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “crack.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, ÿplease manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. Show them some love.