WDP — Still a Challenge

Daily writing prompt
What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?

When I answered this question last year around this time, it had only been a month since I had fractured my left hip and the humerus in my right shoulder that I suffered when I clumsily fell off a ladder in mid-January.

So my answer was that “my biggest challenge over the next six months is to be back, physically, to where I was before my ladder fall. To be able to walk, run, squat, kneel, and have full use of my hip and leg. And to once again have a full range of pain-free movement of my right arm and shoulder.”

I failed. Yes, I can walk fairly well, but with the aid of a cane. I still can’t run, squat, or kneel, and I still don’t have full use of my hip and leg. At least my right arm and shoulder are doing well.

So, my biggest challenge for the next six months is to see if I can get to where I had hoped I’d be six months from this time last year. I actually have an appointment on Monday at a sports rehab facility to focus on achieving my musculoskeletal goals to get me where I want to be.

But I do have a plan B. If I can’t get to the point where I can run, squat, and kneel or reacquire close to full mobility in my hip and leg, I’ve been looking into buying a mobility scooter. My wife likes to go on long walks and I can’t join her right now. So if, over the next six months I am unable to meet the challenge, you might see me accompanying my wife and dog around town in something like this:

19 thoughts on “WDP — Still a Challenge

  1. cheyenne Flexrecords February 24, 2024 / 4:34 pm

    Take it ‘One’ day at a time knowing that healing is part of who ‘You are. Go ! to ( A COURSE IN MIRACLES ) Is a game changer in navigating lifes challenging issues.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Sadje February 24, 2024 / 5:40 pm

    I hope that you’ll achieve your goals Fandango. 🙏🏼

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Marilyn Armstrong February 24, 2024 / 6:02 pm

    I explored mobility scooters too. HOWEVER. Ony a very few — very expensive — models can drive “off road.” Most of them are designed to run on smooth sidewalks or mall. Even small bumps in the ground and grass and dirt will clog the wheels. There are a few that are designed to run on places that aren’t paved or covered in carpets or linoleum. If she runs on paved surfaces, fine. But if she runs on dirt paths, you will find that those little bikes can’t do it.

    On the right surface, however, they are a lot of fun. Garry and I rented a pair of them at an amusement park in North Carolina and we had a ball chasing each other around the park and no doubt annoying the crap out of other customers. It made a long, tiring and VERY hot day into a lot of fun for both of us. But we were on paved and smooth surfaces.

    I spent a lot of time checking these out. Anything I could afford would not take me where I wanted to go. I needed something I could use in the parks when we are taking pictures. And then there was the problem of transporting them from home to where we wanted to go. Only the bigger, more expensive models would go the full distance — and then, we’d need a covered area to park them.

    Personally, I think if you can afford it, buy two and have fun!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango February 24, 2024 / 8:35 pm

      Some on the models I’ve been looking at claim to be able to drive on gravel, dirt, and grass. I’ve also been checking out foldable models that you can fit in the trunk of a car. And those with large enough batteries to have a 15-25-mile range.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. msjadeli February 24, 2024 / 6:30 pm

    Fandango, you aren’t able to use your ebikes to go on rides?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango February 24, 2024 / 8:38 pm

      I haven’t been on my bike since I broke my hip, but I’m thinking about giving it a try. I just need to make sure I don’t lose my balance.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Marleen February 24, 2024 / 6:30 pm

    I’m so glad to hear that your right arm and shoulder are doing well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango February 24, 2024 / 8:42 pm

      Thanks. It’s probably at 90 to 95% pre-accident range of motion, which I can definitely live with.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marleen February 25, 2024 / 10:53 am


        Liked by 1 person

  6. K.F. Hartless February 24, 2024 / 7:10 pm

    Swift healing to you, friend. And until then, swift swiveling.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Taswegian1957 February 24, 2024 / 7:38 pm

    Keep trying. A friend of mine has had knee replacement surgery in both knees over two years. Each time recovery has taken three months. She is younger than you a day you had a more serious injury. It might take another six months. However, Marilyn’s advice is good. If you can afford it and plan to use it on paved surfaces I think you should go for it.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. The Sicilian Storyteller February 24, 2024 / 9:28 pm

    Take heart, Fan, and please don’t say “I failed”. None of this is your fault. It’s possible you may need a new PT routine, even a new therapist. Not all therapy routines work for everyone and the last thing you need is a “cookie cutter factory” where everyone gets the same treatment. Have you had XRays recently? That might be something to discuss with your doctor before re-starting PT. I’ve been there, my friend, and I feel your pain.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango February 24, 2024 / 10:35 pm

      I agree with you. I’m seeing a new sports rehab doctor on Monday to try and work out a multidisciplinary plan to focus on my hip and leg. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that with the right program, I can get back in fighting shape, so to speak. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      • The Sicilian Storyteller February 25, 2024 / 4:34 am

        Sounds to me like you have a good plan of action there, Fan. I hope they can turn things around for you. Best wishes!

        Liked by 2 people

  9. Carol anne February 24, 2024 / 10:46 pm

    Mobility scooters are amazing! I hope you’ll be able to get a full range of movement back, but failing that, then I’d definitely go for the scooter!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. leigha66 February 29, 2024 / 12:09 am

    My father-in-law had a mobility scooter (“moby”) and loved it. He also loved taking the grandkids for rides with him. Don’t give up though… maybe this new therapy will be just what you needed! Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

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