Five Word Weekly Challenge — The Straight and Narrow

Sire, I’m afraid that your son, the Prince, has gotten himself in trouble yet again,” the queen told the king.

The king smiled. “Yes, my son has a reputation as a playboy,” the king said. “He seems to be following in his father’s footsteps.”

Annoyed, the queen said, “What kind of frame of mind are you in that you think encouraging the prince to be a frivolous flirt is a good idea? You ought to be grooming him to lead this country someday. He needs to start thinking about his flock and the citizens of this kingdom. He is very irresponsible and that is a trait he seems to have inherited from you.”

“Yes, of course, you’re right, my dear,” the king said to his wife. “I promise you that I will set him on a straight and narrow course as soon as he returns from his whitewater rafting trip with his pals.”

Written for Greg’s Five Word Weekly Challenge, where the words are sire, flock, frame, playboy, whitewater Image credit: Bing Image Creator.

3 thoughts on “Five Word Weekly Challenge — The Straight and Narrow

    • Fandango December 11, 2023 / 11:24 am

      Probably not.


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