WDP — Whatever Floats Your Boat

Daily writing prompt
What principles define how you live?

Anyone who has read my blog knows that I live by the principle of “whatever floats your boat.” But what does that really mean? To me it means that I don’t care what religion you are, what political party you favor, or how you live your life. That’s your business, just as how I live my life is my business. Of course, while not explicitly stated, implied in my principle is Do No Harm. In other words, live your own life as you choose to, don’t do anything to deliberately harm or hurt others.

And that brings me to the corollary to my principle. Whatever floats your boat…as long as you’re not trying to sink my boat. And that is the issue I have with most Republicans these days. They are trying to pilot everyone else’s boats.

The Republican Party used to be the party of individual freedoms. And it still is when it comes to the freedom to own and carry guns, including semiautomatic military-style rifles, the freedom to not wear masks or get vaccinate, the freedom to be a white, Christian, male, and the freedom to ban books they don’t like.

But when it comes to certain individual’s freedoms, they’re not so freedom loving. Like the freedom of a female to manage her own reproductive health? Fuhgeddaboudit. Or the freedom of individuals to live the lives they choose, particularly those who are members of the LBGTQ+ community? That’s not what God intended. Or the freedom that all Americans, regardless of national origin, race, or religion, are Constitutionally guaranteed. Yes, but only if they’re white and Christian. Or the freedom to read books that talk about things that conservative politicians don’t want others to read about.

And then you add Christian Nationalism, where, if you ain’t Christian, you can just go straight to hell because America was meant to be a Christian nation. Don’t you dare say “seasons greetings” or “happy holidays.” It’s “Merry Christmas,” goddammit.

So, to Republicans and to Christian Nationalists, go ahead, whatever floats your boat. But don’t expect or demand others to float their boats the way you want them to. You do you. I’ll do me. Live and let live.

(I think I got a little off track and turned this simple question into a bit of a rant. But hey, whatever floats your boat, right?)

2 thoughts on “WDP — Whatever Floats Your Boat

  1. newepicauthor October 16, 2023 / 3:53 pm

    Nobody can presume to know what God intends for anything because he or she works in mysterious ways.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango October 16, 2023 / 10:34 pm

      Tell that to the people who claim to know what God intended.

      Liked by 1 person

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