One-Minute Fiction — Kidnapped

Two years ago, Andrea bought an e-bike and loved it, but now it was time to take the next step. She was so excited when her new Vespa motor scooter arrived.

Andrea called her closest friends and asked them to meet her at Maison Halwa, their favorite coffee shop hangout. She rode her Vespa to the coffee shop and parked it out front. She got there about ten minutes before her friends arrived.

Barely able to contain her excitement, Andrea eagerly awaited for everyone to show up. When all had arrived and got situated with their beverages, Andrea asked, “Did you all notice the yellow Vespa parked out front when you came in? Well, guess what, that’s mine!”

Her friends all got a questioning expressions on their faces. “I don’t remember seeing a Vespa parked outside,” one friend said.

“Me neither,” said another.

“Oh my God,” Andrea said. “You all are so oblivious.” She stood up and said, “Follow me.”

She led the group outside, looked around, and realized that her new Vespa was nowhere to be seen. “It’s gone!” Andrea shouted. “It’s been kidnapped!”

Barry, one of her friends, asked, “Andrea, you didn’t leave your keys in the ignition, did you?”

Andrea reached her hands into both pockets of her jeans. “Oh crap!” she said.

Written for Cyranny’s One-Minute Fiction Challenge.

6 thoughts on “One-Minute Fiction — Kidnapped

    • Fandango October 2, 2023 / 11:56 am

      E-bikes have keys for the battery compartment on the bike but there’s no “ignition” key. However, motor scooters (like the Vespa) and motor cycles do have ignition keys to start them.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. leigha66 October 6, 2023 / 4:51 pm

    A tough way to learn a lesson. Hope she gets it back.

    Liked by 1 person

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