Sadje’s Sunday Poser — Favorite Topic

For today’s Sunday Poser, Sadje wants to know…

One way to answer this question is to show my tag cloud, where the size of the tag indicates how often that tag was used in my posts.

Of course, the largest tag is #FOWC, my Fandango’s One-Word Challenge, which I’ve been posting daily since June 2018. Some of the other “larger” tags belong to other daily prompts that, up until I busted my hip two months ago, I was responding to almost daily.

You might also notice the rather large tag, “Donald Trump.” That’s because that asshole took up a lot of my headspace in the first four years of this blog.

Another way of identifying my favorite topics to write about is to look at my categories, or what I list as “Topics of Interest” on my side panel. Here are my top six:

  1. Flash Fiction (2,791 posts)
  2. Life (2,047 posts)
  3. Politics (871 posts)
  4. Blogging (780 posts)
  5. Humor (528 posts)
  6. Music (401 posts)

Bear in mind that some posts might have two categories, like “Life” and “Humor.” But based upon this list, it seems that I do a lot of flash fiction, and write a lot about life, politics, and blogging.

Did I answer Sadje’s Sunday Poser question to your satisfaction?