Drinking the Kool- Aid

“A protest about nothing?” Kay said. “Are you saying these protesters have no reason to protest?”

“Yes, Kay, that is my point.” Eric said. “These people have nothing to protest about. But there is a method to their madness, you see. They’re just a bunch of anarchist whose only objective is to make our president look bad.”

“Is that what your instinct tells you, Eric?” Kay asked. “Don’t you see that there are very serious, onerous injustices that are plaguing our nation? These protesters have very legitimate reasons for their protests. And what’s making your president look bad is not the protests themselves, but the fact that he’s doing nothing to address the root causes that are at the heart of the protests. Not only that, but the actions he’s taking by bringing in what are essentially mercenaries to allegedly stem the violence are only serving to exacerbate it.”

“Kay, you’re not seeing the big picture,” Eric said. “He’s just trying to preserve our history and protect our heritage.”

“And to appeal to his base of white supremacists,” Kay said. “There’s just no reasoning with you, Eric. “You’re totally drinking the Kool-Aid, aren’t you?”

Written for these daily prompts: Word of the Day Challenge (protest), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (nothing), The Daily Spur (method), Ragtag Daily Prompt (instinct), Your Daily Word Prompt (onerous), and Jibber Jabber (picture).