Share Your World — 11/06/2023

Share Your World

Di, at Pensitivity101, is our host for Share Your World each week. One year ago today we learned that the former host for Share Your World before Di, Melanie Bee Cee, had passed away. As an homage to Melanie, Di is reposting the last Share Your World (dated 8/1/22) post questions from Melanie before Di picked it up.

I am also reposting my answers to those questions.

1. Do you ever feel more excited about getting the package in the mail, rather than the item that’s in it?

It’s what’s inside that counts. Just like with people.

2. What is the difference between your ideal self and your real self? (i.e. what attribute or physical feature would allow to you feel the ideal ‘you’?)

I’ve reached the age where my real self and my ideal self have reconciled. Maybe I’ve lowered my expectations of who my ideal self should be, but I am who I am and I am satisfied with who that is.

3. If you found $2,000 on the ground and there were no witnesses, what would you do with it?

That depends. Was the $2,000 in an envelope with no writing on it or just a wad of bills with a rubber band wrapped around it? If so, I’d pocket it. But if it was in a wallet or a purse, or it’s owner was otherwise identifiable, I’d do what I could to get it back to who it belongs to.

4. Are you ever morally obliged to take action? Under what circumstances?

Okay, what exactly is a “moral obligation.” I Googled it, and it is defined as “an obligation arising out of considerations of right and wrong.” With that in mind, if I see something I feel is wrong and there is an action I can take that would not put me or anyone I was with in harm’s way, I would take it. But if my attempt to personally or directly intervene would put me or whoever I was with in danger, I might just pick up my phone and call 9-1-1. What I would not do is ignore it.

5. How did last week go for you?

(This is a new answer, since the one I posted on 8/1/22 is no longer “last week.”)

Last week was okay. The highlight was when we went over to my son and daughter-in-law’s place on Tuesday night to go trick-or-treating with our grandchildren, which was fun. Otherwise, it was just another week, like just about every other week. Today, though, I’m expecting delivery of my new iPhone 15 Pro Max, and I’m pretty excited about that.

Share Your World — 08/01/2022

Share Your World

I can’t believe that it’s already August. Yikes. Well, life moves on, right? Thus, it’s time for another of edition of Melanie’s Share Your World.

Do you ever feel more excited about getting the package in the mail, rather than the item that’s in it?

It’s what’s inside that counts. Just like with people.

What is the difference between your ideal self and your real self? (i.e. what attribute or physical feature would allow to you feel the ideal ‘you’?)

I’ve reached the age where my real self and my ideal self have reconciled. Maybe I’ve lowered my expectations of who my ideal self should be, but I am who I am and I am satisfied with who that is.

If you found $2,000 on the ground and there were no witnesses, what would you do with it?

That depends. Was the $2,000 in an envelope with no writing on it or just a wad of bills with a rubber band wrapped around it? If so, I’d pocket it. But if it was in a wallet or a purse, or it’s owner was otherwise identifiable, I’d do what I could to get it back to who it belongs to.

Are you ever morally obliged to take action? Under what circumstances?

Okay, what exactly is a “moral obligation.” I Googled it, and it is defined as “an obligation arising out of considerations of right and wrong.” With that in mind, if I see something I feel is wrong and there is an action I can take that would not put me or anyone I was with in harm’s way, I would take it. But if my attempt to personally or directly intervene would put me or whoever I was with in danger, I might just pick up my phone and call 9-1-1. What I would not do is ignore it.

How did last week go for you?

Well, I’m still getting up at the crack of dawn to walk our dog since my wife broke a bone in her foot. But, her foot is getting better, albeit slowly. Hopefully, by this time next month, she’ll be back on her feet and I will no longer be sleep deprived.