Four Line Fiction — The Devil’s Work

“Father, quick, come outside,” Jeremiah called out to this father. “The sky is falling!”

Jeremiah’s father stepped outside, grabbed his son by the arm, and pulled him back inside the house. “Tis none but the Devil’s work, boy, and I need you here with me to work the winter harvest.”

Written for Greg’s Four Line Fiction prompt. Photo credit: unknown.

Four Line Fiction — Signs

“Dad, feet aren’t really shoes like that sign over there says, right?” Kenny asked his father, pointing to the sign over the shoe store.

“No, Kenny, and eyes are not brains,” his father said.

“I don’t understand what eyes and brains have to do with feet and shoes,” Kenny said.

“It means don’t automatically believe everything you see to be what it appears to be.”

Written for Greg’s Four Line Fiction prompt. Photo credit: uncredited.

Four Line Fiction — Technically Speaking

“You said if I got a hit and got on base you’d take me out for some ice cream after the game,” Jimmy said to his father.

“But you didn’t get a hit,” Jimmy’s father said.

“Well, Dad,” Jimmy said, “I got hit by a pitch and got on base that way, so technically speaking, I did get a hit and got on base, so I think you owe me my ice cream.”

Jimmy’s father smiled and said, “Yes, technically speaking, I guess you’re right and you earned your bowl of ice cream.”

Written for Greg’s Four Line Fiction prompt. Photo credit: Greg Glazebrook / GMGPhotography. The photo is of Greg’s son. Cute kid.

Four Line Fiction — A Bit of a Dilemma

She was alone on the remote beach when JoAnne decided to be bold and to remove her bikini top and let it fall onto the sand. She then removed her bikini bottoms and let them fall onto the sand, too, before running naked and jumping into the surf. Enjoying the sensation of the chilly ocean waters caressing her body, she swam out past the breaking waves and floated, letting the rhythmic ebb and flow gently rock her to sleep.

JoAnne must have drifted a bit during her nap because, when she opened her eyes and looked toward the shore, her remote beach was nowhere in sight, and all she could see in either direction was a long stretch of beach crowded with families.

Written for Greg’s Four Line Fiction prompt. Photo credit: HP Koch at Unsplash.

Four Line Fiction — The Mangy Stray Cat

I had mice in my tool shed

I found a mangy stray cat and put him in the shed to rid it of the mice

The mangy stray cat got rid of the mice

Now I can’t get rid of the mangy stray cat

Written for Greg’s Four Line Fiction prompt. Photo credit: HP Koch at Unsplash.