Four Line Fiction — The Long Walk Home

Even though it was a hassle with him living in Brooklyn and her living in Manhattan, they’d been regularly seeing each other for around nine months and Carolyn thought it was time for their relationship to evolve to the next level, suggesting that they should get a place together.

But Kevin was two years younger than Carolyn and he just wasn’t ready to make the commitment she was apparently seeking when she told him that she thought it was time for him to shit or get off the pot.

Kevin said he wasn’t there yet and he needed more time, but Carolyn said that her biological clock was ticking and that she couldn’t wait indefinitely for him to finally come around, so she stood up, put on her coat and boots, grabbed her purse and umbrella, and left Kevin’s flat.

She tried to find a taxi, but the snowstorm made finding one close to impossible and the subway trains were running late, so Carolyn pulled her coat collar tight around her neck and started the trek back into Manhattan across the Brooklyn Bridge, the tears rolling down her cheeks keeping her face perhaps a little warmer against the frigid air.

Written for Greg’s Four Line Fiction prompt. Photo credit: Shannon Stapleton/Newscom/Reuters.

2 thoughts on “Four Line Fiction — The Long Walk Home

  1. leigha66 January 31, 2024 / 9:44 pm

    I have heard winter in New York can be intense, hope she gets home ok.

    Liked by 1 person

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