Fandango’s Provocative Question #199


Welcome once again to Fandango’s Provocative Question. Each week I will pose what I think is a provocative question for your consideration.

By provocative, I don’t mean a question that will cause annoyance or anger. Nor do I mean a question intended to arouse sexual desire or interest.

What I do mean is a question that is likely to get you to think, to be creative, and to provoke a response. Hopefully a positive response.

I wasn’t going to post a provocative question post today because, while I’m slowly on the mend, especially compared with where I was last week at this time, I’m still feel like I’m running on empty, energy-wise. But given that I yet remain — for a few more days, anyway — in acute, post-operative ortho rehab for a fractured hip and partial hip replacement, I thought this question seemed apropos.

Have you ever fractured a bone (or bones) that was serious enough to require inpatient hospitalization and a post-operative stay in a rehab facility? What bone(s) did you break? How long did it take in rehab (inpatient or at home) before you were back to “normal”? And did you actually achieve the same level of functionality you had prior to the fracture(s)?

If you choose to participate, you may respond with a comment or write your own post in response to the question. Once you are done, tag your post with #FPQ and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Or you can simply include a link to your post in the comments. But remember to check to confirm that your pingback or your link shows up in the comments.

51 thoughts on “Fandango’s Provocative Question #199

  1. donmatthewspoetry January 25, 2023 / 3:53 am

    Ladda fall. Pelvis. 6 weeks under loving care of nurse Caroline. Daily dip in hydrotherapy pool with Caroline. Home fighting fit but missed Caroline………

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  2. Irene January 25, 2023 / 5:41 am

    Luckily never, knock on wood…hope you will be able to share your experience in past tense soon, Fandango.

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  3. Maggie January 25, 2023 / 5:44 am

    No broken bones but I will be facing knee replacement in the future – which my ortho tells me is much more painful than hip replacement. Thanks, Doc. The thing that frightens me most is that in 90% of cases, it is outpatient surgery. What? Even inpatient is only an overnight stay.

    I hope you have a speedy recovery.

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    • Fandango January 25, 2023 / 8:55 am

      Thanks, Maggie. I hope your knee surgery goes well. Have fun in physical therapy!

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      • Maggie January 26, 2023 / 5:00 am

        I am putting it off as long as possible! I am doing PT now to strengthen the muscles beforehand.

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  4. Mister Bump UK January 25, 2023 / 6:00 am

    I broke my collar bone once. A clean snap.You could hear the two halves grating together. I went to the ER where I waited for 4 hours, then was told to go homeand take paracetamol.

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      • Mister Bump UK January 25, 2023 / 11:13 am

        Nope. They tend not to, here, just leave you to heal. I believe if it is complex (or if your insurance will pay) they will operate. Sleeping that night was fun..

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        • Marilyn Armstrong January 26, 2023 / 5:12 pm

          They can’t set it because it moves. My chest never healed because it’s not the bone that needs to heal but the cartilage enables your chest to move when you breathe. The parts of your body that are in motion can’t be set. So my chest, which was opened up 7 years ago still makes a grinding noise because the the cartilage never grew back. They don’t normally set broken ribs, either — and they can take YEARS to heal.

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          • Mister Bump UK January 26, 2023 / 11:35 pm

            No, they don’t set a collar bone. Instead they plate the two halves together. Improves recovery time significantly.

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            • Mister Bump UK January 27, 2023 / 10:39 am

              In the UK, the default is to let it heal naturally.
              You might override this if, for example, there are complications, or if you have additional medical insurance,
              Collar Bone is the most common cycling fracture, maybe alongside wrist, and if a pro cyclist breaks a collar bone they are operated on within a few hours (because they’ll all be insured). Amateurs not so lucky!

              Liked by 2 people

    • Marleen January 25, 2023 / 5:53 pm

      How did you break your collar bone?

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  5. rugby843 January 25, 2023 / 11:46 am

    I was recuperating from bladder cancer surgery when I fell off my scooter and broke a hip bone and injured my elbow badly.  I spent tin hospital and two weeks in rapid rehab facility.  I begged to go home and did, too early but had visiting nurses and PT at home in addition.  I still feel the hip and elbow injuries, the hip is like laying on a rock when I’m on that side to sleep and after eight years my elbow is back to normal.  

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

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    • Fandango January 25, 2023 / 12:52 pm

      I wonder if my hip is ever going to be truly ache-free.


  6. pensitivity101 January 25, 2023 / 1:12 pm

    I’ve never broken any bones and stays in hospital total 3 plus one as a day patient.
    My aunt had a hip replacement and said it was the best thing to ever happen to her. This was in the 1970s. A neighbour in the next road had her hip replaced two years ago and has never looked back. She was out walking after a week with a walking frame, then a couple of months later just a stick. Now she’s walking normally and feeling great!
    A friend from our boating days was not so lucky, but hers was a botch job and they put it in wrong.
    Three and a half years later they still haven’t rectified their error and keep giving her painkillers.
    It’s early days for you Fandango, and you’re frustrated because you can’t do what you want to so it seems like forever. Keep with the program as they say and you’ll soon be back on your feet. Hang gliding and bungee jumping will have to go on hold for a bit though 😀

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  7. JT Twissel January 25, 2023 / 4:07 pm

    I’ve never had to stay in a rehab facility but I had a friend who broke both legs and was in one for about a week. It took about six months of PT before she was back to normal – in her case biking and riding horseback.

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  8. Marleen January 25, 2023 / 6:05 pm

    I have a younger cousin (early fifties) who had had three hip surgeries (or more). One time may have been before she was fifty. I think one of them was because they didn’t get it quite right when they did the second one. I believe, so far, that this has all been in one hip… not sure. She knows all about how many one is allowed in a lifetime. This is curious, to me. She doesn’t look frail. She also doesn’t look sickly, but she’s had other surgeries and ailments through life (others, besides the hip(s), fairly early).

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  9. jai January 25, 2023 / 6:12 pm

    I’ve never been inpatient hospital for a broken bone but—
    Last February, I fell on my icy driveway and broke both bones in my wrist. It has not returned to post-break condition, and probably never will. My wrist and hand are still stiff, and I can’t make a complete fist, though it has been slowly improving as time goes on. I still do-at home physical therapy for it every day.

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    • Fandango January 25, 2023 / 6:17 pm

      Ouch. My wife fell and badly broke her wrist. It was painful and a hassle for her and every once in a while her wrist stiffen ups and aches for a few days.

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      • jai January 25, 2023 / 7:12 pm

        Probably arthritis set up in your wife’s wrist. My orthopedic doctor said it would in mine.

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  10. Nope, Not Pam January 26, 2023 / 1:57 am

    Nope, I fractured my knee and walked around on it for 10 days before seeing anyone.

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      • Nope, Not Pam January 29, 2023 / 2:27 am

        It was, but I was too busy to get to the doctor. My boss took me in the end

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  11. Marilyn Armstrong January 26, 2023 / 3:05 pm

    You’re hip will probably never be entirely “normal,” but your age plays a factor too. You are at an age when arthritis is universal, so you’ll have some aches where you didn’t have them before. BUT if the PT works well, you’ll be okay. You won’t go back to where you were, but you might get close. You need to have a bit of patience. We don’t heal quickly at our age.

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    • Fandango January 26, 2023 / 4:59 pm

      Yes, I’m aware that age is a big factor. I am hoping to come close to where I was before the accident, but there will almost certainly be some residual aches and pains.


      • Marilyn Armstrong January 26, 2023 / 9:37 pm

        Aches and pains are the price we pay for not dying young. I always remind myself there are two choices: die young or cope with aging. Over all, coping with aging is working out pretty well — and I have a LOT of aches and pains and they started pretty young. It’s just frustrating to not be able to maneuver well anymore. That’s the thing I most miss. I can deal with discomfort, but I’d really like to be able to move around better.

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  12. leigha66 February 1, 2023 / 12:36 pm

    56 and never a broken a bone… I better knock wood now or something.

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