Truthful Tuesday — Whitest, Brightest

Melanie, of Sparks from a Combustible Mind, is still filling in for Frank, aka PCGuy, who is taking a temporary (?) hiatus from his Truthful Tuesday prompt. This week Melanie asks…

Is there too much emphasis on having the “whitest, brightest smile”? Is that a mainly American thing or has it caught on globally?

Alas, I was a cigarette smoker for about 30 years and I’ve been a coffee drinker my whole adult life. Hence, my teeth are, regrettably, anything but white and bright. And yes, that’s my mouth and my teeth you’re seeing in the photo above.

Were I a movie star or a model or engaged in some other activity that required really white teeth, then perhaps it would be important for my teeth to be their whitest and brightest. But I’m just an everyday, ordinary guy who is retired. I’m just happy that the teeth in my mouth are my real teeth and that they are in good shape. I haven’t had a cavity since I was a teenager, so I’m happy about that too.

To answer Melanie’s question, despite the fact that my smile could probably be the before picture in an ad for tooth whitening procedures, yes, I think there is too much of an emphasis on having a white, bright smile and not enough on having a healthy smile.

16 thoughts on “Truthful Tuesday — Whitest, Brightest

    • Paula Light July 26, 2022 / 10:18 am

      I thought it WAS John and had to scroll back up to make sure it was Fandango!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Marleen July 26, 2022 / 12:09 pm

        Who is John Holton? I tried looking it up.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Paula Light July 26, 2022 / 12:12 pm

          Another blogger 🙂


          • Marleen July 26, 2022 / 1:40 pm

            Thanks; I’ll have to pay more attention.

            Liked by 2 people

  1. Marleen July 26, 2022 / 12:10 pm

    I use tooth whitener (with custom trays). It’s not important enough to me to stop drinking coffee, so my teeth aren’t very yellow, but they could be whiter.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Melanie B Cee July 26, 2022 / 3:54 pm

    Your teeth are your own and healthy with it, so there’s no problem that I can see. I’m grateful to have all my own choppers too. There’s a family history of bad teeth. You haven’t had a cavity in all those years? Be grateful for that. The cost is insane now and insurances are starting to refuse dental claims.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. donmatthewspoetry July 26, 2022 / 4:43 pm

    I’m slowly building up a composite picture of your face. I have your eyes (from above) and now a mouth (thankyou for that). Now waiting the nose. I do have a circuit diagram of your ear…..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. leigha66 July 29, 2022 / 5:38 pm

    All I can think of are the old Crest commercials… “Look ma, no cavities!” Or was that for Colgate? Congrats on having health teeth, it is not easy. Mine have started to crack, ouch!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Carol anne July 30, 2022 / 10:03 am

    Oh yes, I agree! A smile is a smile, why does it have to be the whitest teeth and brightest smile. people should just accept others how they are…no questions asked.

    Liked by 1 person

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