Who Won the Week — 12/19/2021

The idea behind Who Won the Week is to give you the opportunity to select who (or what) you think “won” this past week. Your selection can be anyone or anything — politicians, celebrities, athletes, authors, bloggers, your friends or family members, books, movies, TV shows, businesses, organizations, whatever.

I will be posting this prompt on Sunday mornings (my time). If you want to participate, write your own post designating who you think won the week and why you think they deserve your nod. Then link back to this post and tag you post with FWWTW.

I’m a little late today, but my Who Won the Week nod this week goes the point guard for the San Francisco-based Golden State Warriors, Stephen Curry.

On Tuesday night, in a game against the New York Knicks, Stephen Curry became the National Basketball Association’s all-time leader in three-point shots. For those of you who aren’t familiar with NBA basketball, a three-point basket is a one made from beyond the three-point line, a designated arc surrounding the basket. The arc is 23 feet 9 inches (7.24 m) from the center of the basket. A successful attempt is worth three points, in contrast to the two points awarded for baskets made within the three-point line.

Curry knocked down the 2,974th three-pointer of his career, breaking the previous record held by NBA Hall of Famer Ray Allen.

So congratulations Stephen Curry. May you hit many more three-pointers in your career.

What about you? Who (or what) do you think won the week?

E.M.’s Sunday Ramble Prompt — One Way or the Other

E.M. Kingston has started a new weekly prompt called The Sunday Ramble. It is based upon a certain topic. She asks five questions about that topic, that we can ramble on however we wish. Today’s topic is “this or that?”

1. Glass half full or glass half empty?

I used to be a glass half full guy, an optimist, a guy who always saw the sunny side of things. But starting around 2015, when Donald Trump graduated from reality show host to presidential candidate, things have been going downhill rapidly in terms of my view of my country and the world. It’s gotten to the point now that the glass is not just half empty, it’s almost at the bottom.

2. Train or airplane?

If I need to get from point A to point B quickly, it’s airplane. Otherwise, it’s train.

3. Sneakers or dress shoes?

Since I retired in 2016, I’ve only word dress shoes one time, and that was at my son’s wedding. So my answer is definitely sneakers.

4. See the future or change the past?

The past is the past and no matter how many times I’d like to have a do-over, it can’t be done. As to the future, what I’m seeing of the future — not my personal future, but the future of humanity — is pretty bleak. (See, I really have turned into a glass more that half empty kind of a guy.) So my favorite approach is to focus on and live in the present.

5. Test the waters or dive in the deep end?

In my youth I was more of a dive in the deep end kind of a guy, but as I’ve grown older, I have turned into a test the waters type. Of course, when it came to a recent decision to buy an ebike, I decided to do that never even having taken an ebike out for a test ride. I did a lot of online research before buying, but it was only about a week between thinking about buying an ebike and actually buying one. Or actually buying two, one for me and one for my wife.

Photo credit: Olya Kobruseva on Pexels.com.

Song Lyric Sunday — Sit On My Fax Machine

For this week’s Song Lyric Sunday theme, Jim Adams deferred to Amy Braun’s suggestion of songs that feature lyrics associated with electronic communication devices (pagers, iPhone, Android, fax machine, computer, TV). I’m going to go a bit weird by focusing a song that includes the line, “I want you to sit on my fax machine and prove to me that you love me.” The artist is Patrick O’Hearn and the song is “Chatahochee Field Day.”

I first became familiar with Patrick O’Hearn when I was going through my new age music phase. He is an acclaimed American multi-instrumentalist musician, composer, and recording artist with a focus on new age (progressive instrumental) and ambient music. “Chatahoochee Field Day” was a track off of O’Hearn’s 1990 Mix-Up album, which contains remixes of some of his earlier works. O’Hearn original came to prominence with Frank Zappa, and he co-founded the early 1980s new wave band Missing Persons with several other veterans from Zappa’s bands.

The remix of O’Hearn’s “Chatahootchee Field Day” was put together by David Barrett, but there’s no information that I could find about him. In fact, there’s no information I could find on the internet specifically about backstory of the remix of “Chatahoochee Field Day” or even about the very strange lyrics that seem to be randomly interspersed throughout the instrumental song.

So, if you have about five minutes of free time today, take a listen. I don’t guarantee that you’ll like this song, but I’m sure you’ll find it, well, interesting.

FOWC with Fandango — Corroborate


Welcome to December 19, 2021 and to Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (aka, FOWC). I will be posting each day’s word just after midnight Pacific Time (U.S.).

Today’s word is “corroborate.”

Write a post using that word. It can be prose, poetry, fiction, non-fiction. It can be any length. It can be just a picture or a drawing if you want. No holds barred, so to speak.

Once you are done, tag your post with #FOWC and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Please check to confirm that your pingback is there. If not, please manually add your link in the comments.

And be sure to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this prompt. You will marvel at their creativity.