My Last Photo — February ‘21

Brian, aka Bushboy, posted a prompt yesterday that asked us to…
  1. Post the last photo from our camera’s SD card or the last photo from our phone taken in February.
  2. No editing — who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like, or the subject matter didn’t cooperate?
  3. No explanations needed — just the photo will do.
  4. Create a pingback to Brian’s post or link in the comments.
  5. Tag “The Last Photo.”

Okay, this does require an explanation. The photo below is the last photo I took in February. Well, technically speaking, it’s not so much a photo as it is a screenshot. My wife and I took a 3.2 mile walk this morning and I recorded the walk on my Apple Watch. When I went to the Health app on my iPhone, I took this screenshot of the specifics of our walk, including a map showing our route, and then I texted the screenshot to my kids with the caption that read, “See, I don’t lead such a sedentary life. I do occasionally put my iPhone down and get off my ass.”It’s interesting how our route on the map, when shown graphically resembles a stethoscope. Anyway, this was the last “photo” in my photos file on my iPhone that was added in February.

4 thoughts on “My Last Photo — February ‘21

  1. bushboy March 1, 2021 / 1:32 pm

    I reckon it is a great last photo Fandango. I did think of stethoscope when I saw your walk as well. Great minds…… Thanks for joining in 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. amoralegria March 2, 2021 / 2:58 pm

    I like your “last photo” – I’ve seen a few weird ones, including mine, but yours shows an accomplishment!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango March 2, 2021 / 11:15 pm

      That’s why I sent it to my kids. The old man’s still got it in him!


  3. leigha66 March 5, 2021 / 7:47 pm

    That is a nice accomplishment… I would send something like that to my daughter too.

    Liked by 1 person

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