Fandango’s Provocative Question #109

FPQWelcome once again to Fandango’s Provocative Question. Each week I will pose what I think is a provocative question for your consideration.

By provocative, I don’t mean a question that will cause annoyance or anger. Nor do I mean a question intended to arouse sexual desire or interest.

What I do mean is a question that is likely to get you to think, to be creative, and to provoke a response. Hopefully a positive response.

I don’t know about you, but I typically spend about four to seven (occasionally even more) hours a day on my blog, either writing, proofreading, editing, and publishing my own posts or reading and commenting on the posts written by other bloggers.That’s a fairly significant chunk of my waking hours and I have found myself wondering if I’m unusual in that regard. I also wonder what I would do with those hours if I didn’t spend them on my blog.

So my provocative question today is simply this:

How many hours, on average, do you spend per day (or per week) on blogging-related activities? And, what do you think you might do with your time if you didn’t spend it on those blogging-related activities?

If you choose to participate, write a post with your response to the question. Once you are done, tag your post with #FPQ and create a pingback to this post if you are on WordPress. Or you can simply include a link to your post in the comments. But remember to check to confirm that your pingback or your link shows up in the comments.

25 thoughts on “Fandango’s Provocative Question #109

  1. bushboy February 17, 2021 / 3:34 am

    I probably do about the same on mine and others blogs. The time I spend on other social media has dwindled as here there are only nice people to interact with 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  2. rugby843 February 17, 2021 / 6:58 am

    Too many probably, but alone, in lockdown, I don’t have much else to do.  I’m not an online shopper or a person who cooks for fun, so I read or watch a show on my iPad.  I am limited by mobility and the weather.  For instance this morning we have a lot of snow and 20F temps so going out is not an option anyway.

    Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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  3. Pingback: MY ENDURING BONES
  4. cagedunn February 17, 2021 / 11:56 am

    One hour a day, allocated and spent every day — love the reading part, but it’s way too easy to get sidetracked from the real work (writing stories). All posts are now done off-the-cuff and once a week (or thereabouts).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Marleen February 17, 2021 / 2:28 pm

      I for sure hope you find the balance. None of us would want to stop hearing from you; nor do we want you to feel pressured. I enjoyed reading what you do on this subject.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango February 17, 2021 / 10:38 pm

      I’m getting an “ERROR 404” message when I click on the link.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. leigha66 February 20, 2021 / 6:19 pm

    I would probably be scared if I added up the time throughout the day when I pop in and out of WordPress. Just an absolute guess would be between 4 and 6 hours reading and writing. I’d like to think I would read more if I wasn’t blogging, but I probably would also waste more time on Facebook and watching or streaming TV and movies. 🤔

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