Fandango’s Flashback Friday — November 13

Wouldn’t you like to expose your newer readers to some of your earlier posts that they might never have seen? Or remind your long term followers of posts that they might not remember? Each Friday I will publish a post I wrote on this exact date in a previous year.

How about you? Why don’t you reach back into your own archives and highlight a post that you wrote on this very date in a previous year? You can repost your Friday Flashback post on your blog and pingback to this post. Or you can just write a comment below with a link to the post you selected.

If you’ve been blogging for less than a year, go ahead and choose a post that you previously published on this day (the 6th) of any month within the past year and link to that post in a comment.

This was originally posted on this blog on November 13, 2018.

Sex is a Dirty Word

546881D0-E338-4979-AE1D-C5F776C3B257You may have already heard that there is a proposal being floated at the U.S. State Department that could prohibit American diplomats from using the phrases “sexual and reproductive health” and “comprehensive sexuality education.”

Instead of “sexual and reproductive health” and “comprehensive sexuality education,” the proposal is that U.S. officials would be instructed to use phrases like “reproduction and the related health services” in official communications.

This proposal is being pushed by a handful of conservative political appointees at the State Department and other agencies. Abandoning the use of the word “sex” would be a symbolic move that aligns with other Trump administration efforts to reduce both funding and focus on women’s reproductive issues — especially anything related to abortion.

The problem appears to be that saying “sex” makes Trump’s far-right Republican supporters feel all sad and uncomfortable inside.

I guess that for the 2020 election, Trump is going to change his #MAGA hashtag to #MAPA, for Make America Puritan Again.

15 thoughts on “Fandango’s Flashback Friday — November 13

  1. shail November 13, 2020 / 8:09 am

    This is such familiar territory. Our politicians want sex education removed from syllabus because… hold your breath, it will make people more promiscuous. Is it any wonder then that we have people like the judge who declared that the peahen reproduces by drinking the tears of the celibate peacock? *eyeroll*

    Here’s my contribution:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Marleen November 13, 2020 / 9:03 am

      Yeah, and reproduction and the related health services being preferred terminology in official communications doesn’t pan out in what they want to do about policy (isn’t consistent with trying to do in Obamacare (the ACA, including Kentucky Care or whatever they call it, which the people like but don’t understand is Obamacare).

      Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango November 14, 2020 / 2:21 pm

      Yes, most definitely still counts! 👍


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