Dog Gone

We struggled over the past few months with the diminishing quality of life that our beloved dog was experiencing. Some days were okay, many were not. She spent much of each day sleeping, getting up only when she needed to go out to take care of business or to eat. And we often had to feed her by hand.

When she was up and around, she had difficulty walking, her hind legs unable to keep her backside from collapsing into an awkward sitting position.

Was she in a lot pain? Who knows? Like most dogs are, she was stoic. And if she was in pain, she never cried out or whimpered. We couldn’t ask her how she was feeling and she couldn’t tell us. Not in a way we could definitively understand. And not in a way that could give us any degree of certainty.

That’s what made our decision so difficult. Was it the right time? Were we prematurely taking away days, weeks, or even months from her life?

We spoke with our veterinarian, who came to our house yesterday afternoon. She confirmed that it was, indeed, time.

I suppose we’ll always second guess our decision, always feel a sense of guilt. But she’s gone now and we are heartbroken.

We miss her.

61 thoughts on “Dog Gone

  1. Angellutz November 10, 2020 / 8:16 am

    Oh, I’m sorry for your loss. This blog post reminds me of my past two dogs that I had. When the time comes it is very difficult to hold the tears. Stay strong!


  2. newepicauthor November 10, 2020 / 8:28 am

    I hate it when you have to put a pet down, as you get so attached to them. I was giving my German Shepherd mega doses of glucosamine, but in the end her hind legs just gave out on her.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. rugby843 November 10, 2020 / 9:30 am

    So sorry.  I know this heartbreak. 

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Stine Writing November 10, 2020 / 9:43 am

    I’m so sorry. Losing a pet, especially a dog is so hard. They are definitely part of the family. The way I sometimes look at it is if you were her and you couldn’t do anything and couldn’t stand up, would you be having a good life? Unfortunately dogs live such short lives.

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  5. pensitivity101 November 10, 2020 / 10:44 am

    Oh Fandango, I am so very, very sorry. We’ve been there, and know how you feel, as do many of your readers. It’s never easy having to make that decision, but at the end of the day, we love our pets enough to let them go. I am glad she was at home in familiar and comfortable surroundings.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango November 10, 2020 / 2:33 pm

      Yes, I’m happy our vet makes house calls.


      • pensitivity101 November 10, 2020 / 2:54 pm

        Ours would too, but at 17 miles away, would add an extra £120 to the bill. However, we are still registered with the local one but we don’t like them, and neither does Maggie. We would do the best we could for her though…….. hopefully not for a while yet.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Marleen November 10, 2020 / 11:13 am

    Oh, dear. My condolences. We know how attached you were to your fine companion.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Liz November 10, 2020 / 11:16 am

    A very difficult decision. Its never easy. Deepest sympathies for your loss.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. JT Twissel November 10, 2020 / 1:25 pm

    So sorry … I know the feeling of guilt but as you said, it’s hard to know how much pain a dog is in and so it’s best to trust the vet’s judgement.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Paula Light November 10, 2020 / 1:33 pm

    That’s always so heartbreaking. I feel for you and Mrs. F. 💗Bye, sweet doggo 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Taswegian1957 November 10, 2020 / 3:04 pm

    I am so sorry for your loss and although it’s easy to feel guilty and second guess yourself I think you know you did the right thing. Animals are stoic and they can’t tell us how they feel or what they want so we have to try and make the best decision for them, not for us. We sometimes keep our pets longer than we really should because we can’t bear to part with them. My dog is 14 and has a little arthritis in her back legs. I have no idea how much pain she is in but she doesn’t chase balls which she used to love or even get on the couch or my bed. Otherwise she seems happy and enjoys a walk but I think about the day I’ll have to make the same decision and hope I’ll do it at the right time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango November 10, 2020 / 4:40 pm

      It’s a truly heartbreaking decision to have to make.


  11. amoralegria November 10, 2020 / 4:21 pm

    So sorry about having to say good-bye to your beloved dog companion. You did the right thing, even though it is hard. I know, I have been through the same situation with my cat many years ago. We see how they suffer and their quality of life is declining, but even so, it’s hard to make the decision to end their life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango November 10, 2020 / 10:41 pm

      Yes, it’s a hard and heartbreaking decision.


  12. relaxitsallwrite November 10, 2020 / 5:07 pm

    My heart is demolished, reading this. You absolutely made the right call…it came from a place of unconditional love. I’ve felt this hurt, and I’m sorry you’re feeling it right now. But, don’t ever doubt that you made the best (selfless) decision, for her. *HUGS*

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fandango November 10, 2020 / 10:44 pm

      Thanks. It does hurt and I do feel guilty even though, intellectually it was probably the right thing to do.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. Carol anne November 11, 2020 / 9:48 am

    Awww I am so sorry your beloved dog is gone! What breed of dog was she? Sending hugs, pets are awesome and I’d be lost without mine!

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  14. leigha66 November 17, 2020 / 2:05 pm

    It has been four years since I made that decision for my little shadow named Stumpy. Pets become such a real part of your family. You will always have memories and if you’re like me you plenty of pictures to remember your dog with. I send my deepest sympathies to you and your family,

    Liked by 1 person

  15. rescuedogdexter November 19, 2020 / 12:37 pm

    Thank you for looking after your dog. It is a heart breaking decision but we know when it is time and we know we are loved and cherished. My condolences to you.

    Liked by 1 person

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