Thursday Inspiration — Not a Happy Camper


I am not
A happy camper
I feel like I’m stuck
In a giant labyrinth
Of adversity
As I look down the line
I can’t discern a way
To escape this maze
Of deceit and corruption

Written for Paula Light’s Thursday Inspiration prompt, where the theme was “happy.” Sadly, I’m not a very happy camper right now. I really need to find and sip from a happy mug.Also for these daily prompts: Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (labyrinth), Word of the Day Challenge (adversity), Ragtag Daily Prompt (down the line), Your Daily Word Prompt (discern).

9 thoughts on “Thursday Inspiration — Not a Happy Camper

  1. Paula Light October 15, 2020 / 10:24 am

    I know what you mean😢

    Liked by 1 person

  2. rugby843 October 15, 2020 / 10:59 am

    I feel the same.  I’ve had stomach flu or food poisoning for over a week now.  Living on ice water.  Today my first meal after doc.  Dry toast!  Which is about the same level as I’m seeing the Biden campaign.  My doc and I discussed T and I said jokingly on the way out, don’t forget to vote!  I said T is acting weirder lately and he said, nothing new with T.  Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.

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  3. bushboy October 15, 2020 / 2:36 pm

    Thanks for including my prompt is a succinct piece Fandango 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Marleen October 15, 2020 / 7:56 pm

    A happy mug is a good idea.

    I like and feel your poem.

    Liked by 1 person

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