SoCS — Whole Bean Versus Ground

7198FBBD-28BC-468B-A029-73D19AD400DC“You got me ground coffee,” Alex said. “I specifically asked you to get whole bean coffee.”

“What’s the big deal?” Steve said. “You should be thankful that I remembered to pick you up any coffee at all.”

“Here’s the thing,” Alex said. “I like to grind my own coffee beans and when you hand me a bag of ground coffee, I can’t do that. Do you get that, Steve?”

“I don’t know why you have this whole bugaboo about grinding you own beans, Alex,” Steve said. “Last night you asked me to do you a favor and pick up a bag of French roast coffee for you. Being the stellar friend that I am, I obliged.

“If you were such a stellar friend, Steve, you’d know that I like to grind my own coffee, and yet you bring me already ground coffee,” Alex said, throwing the bag of ground coffee onto the ground. “If you were a child of mine, I’d ground you for a month for being so irresponsible.”

“Okay, Alex, first of all, I’m not your child so you can’t ground me,” Steve said. “Second of all, you’re the one who is behaving like a petulant child. And, quite frankly, you’re making me nervous. The last thing you need right now is coffee, whether whole bean or ground. So let me fix you a nice cup of chamomile tea. Maybe that will help you relax.”

Written for the Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt from Linda G. Hill. Our task is to use the word “ground” as a noun or a verb in any tense (e.g., grind). Also for these daily prompts from yesterday: Ragtag Daily Prompt (thankful), The Daily Spur (thing), Fandango’s One-Word Challenge (bugaboo), Daily Addictions (night), Word of the Day Challenge (stellar — from 10/11/18), and Word of the Day Challenge (nervous — from 10/11/19).

15 thoughts on “SoCS — Whole Bean Versus Ground

  1. Victoria Stuart October 12, 2019 / 3:31 am

    Awesome use of all these prompts! And as usual, you make me smile.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango October 12, 2019 / 2:22 pm

      Aw, thanks. You’re making me blush.


  2. Sadje October 12, 2019 / 3:54 am

    Good take on the Prompt. I also went with coffee! And there is a difference between freshly ground coffee beans and ground coffee beans!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Laura October 12, 2019 / 2:39 pm

    You know, I like my coffee — A LOT — but this is next level coffee drinking. I know a couple of people like this, though, and grinding their beans is no freaking joke. 😆

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Tien Skye October 12, 2019 / 7:25 pm

    HAHAHAHA, I love this comedic and light-hearted take on the prompts, Fandago! Tickled my sides. Thanks for the laugh 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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