The County Fair

775497A5-B986-4213-86F4-CC8BDB194EC4“Did you hear that the booth at the county fair that sells that absolutely scrumptious strudel is going to be giving it away for free starting at seven o’clock tomorrow morning?” Nicole asked.

“Don’t make me laugh,” Andy said. “Where did you hear that? It’s got to be some sort of sham, no doubt.”

“No, I just got back from the fairgrounds and they were handing out these leaflets,” Nicole said, handing one to Andy.

Andy immediately tore up the leaflet into tiny pieces and tossed the pieces into the wind. “That was a creepy thing to do,” Nicole said. “Why did you tear that up?”

“Don’t be naïve, Nicole,” Andy said. “They probably made more strudel than they can sell and this is their solution to getting rid of their excess strudel inventory while driving traffic to their booth so they can raise prices on their other baked goods.”

“You are such a cynic,” Nicole said. “Why are you always so weird?”

“You just wait, Nicole,” Andy said, a smug smile on this face. “You will see that I’m right and when you do, I will expect you to memorialize this moment.”

“Fine,” Nicole said, her voice oozing sarcasm, “I will memorialize that moment because if you’re right about this, it will be the first time in your life you’ve been right about anything.”

Written for Paula Light’s Thursday Inspiration prompt (photo credit: Pixabay), and for her Three Things Challenge, where the three things are “seven,” “solution,” and “laugh.” Also for these daily prompts: Nova’s Daily Random Word (strudel), The Daily Spur (morning), Ragtag Daily Prompt (sham), Fandango’s (creepy), Word of the Day Challenge (tear), Daily Addictions (weird), and Your Daily Word Prompt (memorialize).

11 thoughts on “The County Fair

  1. Nova August 8, 2019 / 3:15 pm

    This made me chuckle. The argument is so real.


  2. blindzanygirl August 8, 2019 / 5:15 pm

    Ha ha. Great last line!

    Liked by 1 person

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