9 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday — Happiness

  1. Marleen June 26, 2019 / 6:26 am

    Did that just this morning. It’s going to be a good day.

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  2. Laura June 26, 2019 / 6:33 pm

    This happens to me sometimes! You’re right, it IS happiness. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Don June 29, 2019 / 4:59 am

    Sometimes. But as I write this it’s 4:47am, and thirty minutes ago I was reflecting on this duality of waking. … that when I wake in the middle of the night, I wish it were morning so I wouldn’t have to struggle with going back to sleep, and when I wake in the morning I wish I could just go back to sleep. My brain launches into activity when I awaken. This can be a source of annoyance to companions, and might be why I generally don’t drink coffee (it actually makes me sleepy). But in the morning that doesn’t seem as significant as my eyes wanting to stay closed and my body wanting to stay warm. Yes, this essay is another example of what my brain wants to do instead of allow sleep.

    To which I’ll surrender shortly, one hopes.

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    • Fandango June 29, 2019 / 7:30 am

      I usually wake up in the middle of the night and have to get up to pee, since I’m old and can barely make it through the night without having to go. I wrote about it here: https://fivedotoh.com/2017/06/19/sleep-beautiful-sleep/

      But the good news is that most of the time, when I get back in bed, I’m back asleep by the time my head hits the pillow. Unfortunately, there are those nights when I can’t fall back to sleep because my brain doesn’t realize that it’s 3:30 am and it goes on daytime mode. I hate when that happens.


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