MLMM — Making Sense of Nonsense

28e02038-5d27-4a55-ab5c-2f4ca1aa27a5.png“What’s that contraption?” Amy asked her father.

“This?” Alex said. “It’s my latest invention, sweetie. It’s a woklecockle.”

“A woklecockle? That’s a weird name. What does it do?”

“What does it do? Can’t you tell by looking at it?”

“Actually, no, Daddy, I can’t.”

“Well, sweetie,” Alex said, “Once I power up my woklecockle, it creates a powerful force field that lights up that receiver on the upper left,” he said pointing. “The faster the wheel goes around, the stronger the force field. Ultimately it sends a signal to a communications satellite that is circling the globe. Once the connection with the satellite has been established, the satellite beams down signals to all of the strategically placed dishes on the device.”

“And then what?” Amy asked.

“And then I send the signals to my TV so that I can binge watch “Game of Thrones” for free, sweetie,” Alex said, proudly.

“But why do you call it woklecockle?”

“Because DirecTV was already taken.”

Written for the Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Tale Weaver Making Sense of Nonsense prompt, where we’re asked to write a story in which we describe our meaning of the word “woklecockle.” Also for Swimmers One-Word Prompt (satellite).

8 thoughts on “MLMM — Making Sense of Nonsense

  1. rugby843 April 21, 2019 / 7:24 am

    Good one! And a lot more “g rated” than mine. Funny how the likes went downhill on that one, but I was expecting it.😂Sometimes you just have to go for your first thoughts.🙄

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango April 21, 2019 / 7:40 am

      Go with it and let the chips (or likes) fall where they may.


  2. Michael April 21, 2019 / 9:55 am

    And I thought a more than reasonable name for your invention. Thanks for adding to this week’s tale weaver.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango April 21, 2019 / 11:41 am

      Mad, yes. Scientist, not so much! 😏


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