Twittering Tales — Foiled Again

CBE288FF-C485-4C33-9008-EDCC77DAEEA4The detective stood patiently waiting in the cold rain. As the train pulled up to the platform, he flicked his cigarette aside.

But he knew, as soon as he saw the cop who was escorting the prisoner get off the train alone, that the bastard he’d been pursuing had foiled him again.

(279 characters)

Written for this week’s Twittering Tales prompt from Kat Myrman. Photo credit: Pexel2013 at

7 thoughts on “Twittering Tales — Foiled Again

  1. Sadje March 12, 2019 / 3:20 am

    That’s your strong point, detective fiction. Well written

    Liked by 1 person

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