The Mask I Wear

This is the mask I wear when I wander the corridors of the blogosphere.

With it, I say what I feel deep down inside of me.

Without it, I say what people expect of me.

The true me, then, is the man behind the mask.

(Exactly 45 words)

D7A1540D-A4BE-4617-B8B4-681D7D3F0916Written for Sammi Cox’s Weekend Writing Prompt, where we are challenged to write a poem or piece of prose using the word “mask” in exactly 45 words.

16 thoughts on “The Mask I Wear

  1. Nova December 22, 2018 / 2:13 pm

    I think your writing is super and don’t need the mask lol.


  2. Sadje December 22, 2018 / 10:14 pm

    Your new identity is now how we all see you. The funny part is when I get the email from Fandango, the movies site, I get confused for a moment as to which one is it from! 🤪

    Liked by 1 person

  3. anupturnedsoul December 23, 2018 / 4:29 am

    Cleverly expressed!

    What was it about Manny that inspired you to choose him as your mask?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango December 23, 2018 / 7:11 am

      To be perfectly honest, I just liked the graphic. I selected it because, when I was starting this blog and was looking for a pseudonym, I was listening to Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” and heard them use the word “Fandango” in the lyrics and it clicked. I Googled “Fandango” and that image came up and sealed the deal — the pseudonym and the avatar.

      That said, until I read your comment, I wasn’t even aware that there was a character, Manny Calavera, as a protagonist in a video game. I’d never heard of that game and never played it. Ever! I Googled “Fandango Manny” and read all about it. So thank you, Ursula, for enlightening me. I may have to download the iOS version “Grim Fandango” for my iPhone.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. James Pyles December 24, 2018 / 8:23 am

    I’m been pondering your wee missive ever since I first read it. You said:

    With it, I say what I feel deep down inside of me.
    Without it, I say what people expect of me.

    I’m curious. Your stated opinions are fairly consistent with a leftist, progressive perspective, you live in one of the most liberally oriented cities in the world, I can’t imagine your family and friends don’t have opinions coinciding with your own, so what are you like without the mask and why?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Fandango December 24, 2018 / 11:52 am

      I have met and keep in touch with a lot of people over the years and many don’t share my political perspectives. I know a remarkable number of people who voted for and, inexplicably, still support Trump. I know a number of people who embrace the conservative ideology. I just don’t talk politics or religion with them. If I want to maintain their acquaintanceship, I bite my tongue around them and talk about the weather. I just posted a rant about Trump and what I said in that post I would not say to people in the real world, other than my immediate family and closest friends.

      Liked by 1 person

      • James Pyles December 24, 2018 / 11:54 am

        That makes us very different I suppose, since while I try to be polite and reasoned, in my blogging, what you see is (pretty much) what you get. I’m just finished a missive on my religious blog about how once can accept the scientific method and also accept the existence of God.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Fandango December 24, 2018 / 12:00 pm

          Yes, we are very different, starting with the fact that I blog anonymously and you don’t. For the most part, though, I do try to be polite and respectful in my posts, although I don’t always succeed. I will go read your post. Sounds like it should be fascinating.


          • James Pyles December 24, 2018 / 12:52 pm

            Yes, we disagree often, and no, I don’t consider you impolite or disrespectful. I can only imagine you celebrate some form of Christmas with your family (I don’t since my wife is Jewish, and I’m totally good with it), so if you do, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Fandango December 24, 2018 / 12:54 pm

              Have a happy holiday and a happy New Year, James.

              Liked by 1 person

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