Time To Write — Losing Focus

6062301B-DF8E-4ED4-A72D-9C978E949326Detective Ron Hayden took another look around the room and rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Something doesn’t add up here, Morrisey,” he said. “I’d say this whole crime scene has been staged.”

“How so?” Morrisey asked.

“I’m not sure,” Hayden replied, “but I think the perp is trying to throw us off the scent. This whole scene looks to me to be nothing but a red herring.”

“A red herring?” Morrisey said. “My wife and I love herring. We buy those small, glass jars with the little pieces of herring in them. You can get them in the deli section at the grocery store. She prefers the herring in wine sauce, but I like mine in cream sauce. They make great appetizers or between meal snacks.”

Hayden shook his head and looked at his partner. “Focus, Morrisey. Focus.”

Written for Rachel Poli’s Time To Write prompt. We’re supposed to write a story based upon the words “red herring.”

13 thoughts on “Time To Write — Losing Focus

  1. Sight11 May 18, 2018 / 6:29 pm

    Is this the continuation of the early one because there also was a crime scene in that one.

    Liked by 1 person

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