SoCS — Which Works Best?

For this week’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday from Linda G. Hill, she not only gave us a word as the prompt, she gave some very specific directions. She told us to start our posts with the word “which” and try to fit the word “witch” in somewhere.

Okay, I’m up to the challenge. Here goes.

“Which outfit do you like better?” Layla asked her husband, holding up the two Halloween costumes, one in each hand. “Should I go as a witch or as Wonder Woman?”

Derek was tired and hungry and wanted to get out of the store as soon as possible. He didn’t really care which costume his wife chose. “I think you’d look great in either one,” he said.

“Come On, Derek,” Layla said. “It’s your office’s Halloween party. Your boss and co-workers will be there. Help me out, will you please?”

“Okay, fine,” he said. “You go as Wonder Woman and I’ll get a Superman costume.”

Layla thought about it for a moment and finally announced, “I’m going as a witch.”

“That’s fitting,” said Derek said sarcastically. “Just get the damn costume and let’s get out of here.”

“Sheesh, you’re in a mood,” Layla said.

“I’m hungry,” Derek replied. “I could go for a big, juicy sandwich at the deli down the street right about now.”

Oh yes, Linda also said that bonus points would be available to those who use a word that ends in “wich.” Booyah!

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