May Your Life Be Filled With Likes


An irritating tap, tap, tap on his shoulder awakened Stanley from his dormant state. Without opening his eyes or looking up, he practically screamed, “WHAT?!”

“Stanley, you’re asleep at your desk.” Stanley sat up abruptly upon hearing his boss’s voice. “Are you not getting enough sleep?” his boss inquired. “Are you ill?”

“No, no. I’m fine.”

“Then why are you sleeping at your desk?”

Stanley let out a deep sigh. “I have a wife and kids who are always demanding my attention. I have a dog and a cat that need to be tended to.” Stanley looked up at his boss and continued. “I have books to read, TV shows to watch, meals to eat, personal hygiene to take care of, and sleep to get.”

“Yes, Stanley, we all have those demands on our lives, but you also have this job,” the boss said. “And we need you to be awake and alert when you are here at the office. We need you to do your job.”

“But I also have my blog,” Stanley said, plaintively. “I have posts to write, comments to respond to, and other bloggers’ posts to read and comment on.”

Stanley’s boss couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“So I stay up late most nights,” Stanley explained. “Sometimes the whole night,” he continued, “to keep up with my blog.”

“I can understand that, Stanley, and I appreciate your honesty,” his boss said. “So I’ll tell you what. I’m going to make it easy on you. You’re fired. This way you can spend all the time you need to pursue your blog, which is clearly your priority.”

“What? Wait! No!” Stanley wailed in protest.

“I’ll have Helen from HR call you, Stanley’s boss said. “May you life be filled with likes, Stanley.”

This post was written for today’s one-word daily prompt, “Dormant.”

15 thoughts on “May Your Life Be Filled With Likes

  1. newepicauthor July 22, 2017 / 10:48 am

    Blogging can be so demanding! I have the grass to cut and bills to pay and miles to go before I can sleep.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sight11 July 22, 2017 / 11:34 am

    So again the same response Great post.. Happy..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sight11 July 23, 2017 / 4:52 am

    Hey, Sorry man, I got your e-mail only today. Hmm.. Stupid mail service..
    So.. Again sorry.. I was grouchy..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sight11 July 23, 2017 / 9:17 am

    Where are you? Why no posts?


  5. Tricia September 1, 2017 / 12:44 pm

    I love it, Dango! Will Stanley be able to leave blogging long enough to collect his unemployment?


    • Fandango September 1, 2017 / 3:41 pm

      An excellent question. But one has to set priorities, right?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Tricia September 1, 2017 / 4:21 pm

        Yeah, I think he’ll stay home and continue to hit the blog grind.

        Liked by 1 person

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